About half of the people I know are this way, and the other half, that way. I put out factual information, publicly and respectfully (no name calling, degrading, or condescending remarks), and let them digest on their own time. While tempted to "drop" people with diverging views, I haven't because I know they are the ones that need to hear it the most. I always let them know I'm open to discussing, even through direct messaging. I also send direct messages just to say how are you in hopes deeper conversation comes about or at a minimum, I mention to please view my public posts. So many people still in the dark. Work to do is far from over.
That's very cool Lee... and the right mentality to have. We'll never have the opportunity to speak into people's lives if we cut them out. The truth may be offensive, but we don't have to be unnecessarily. Keep up the good work!
People are at different phases and operate on different wavelengths. The door must be open when things align. We may not even be aware of the impact we make, but until we are the vocal majority, there is work to be done.
Lee, sometimes, we just have to shake the dust from off our sandals and "let the dead bury their dead." We need spiritual discernment perhaps more now than ever, because the devil is much more clever at his schemes / agendas. We need discernment to cipher out the swine from the seeking sheep, so we don't cast our pearls where they won't be received. That's wasting valuable time that would better be spent on those with "ears to hear and eyes to see." Blessings!
That can be the case if we're not in tune with the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn't tell us that we are to continually pursue for any length of time those who don't want to hear our message. Usually, when one has to shake the dust off their sandals, it's very evident the listener wants no part of the message.
Sometimes, our manner and method of sharing is more of a turn off than the message is. We must be very careful in that regard; precious souls are at stake.
There are times when we sow the seed and someone else comes by later on; they water it, and it grows. Sometimes, over a period of time, the disgruntled listener is touched by Life's circumstances and they are forced to look upwards. We do the best we can; some seed inevitably falls on rocky ground. We pray for them and hope for the best.
Agreed. I think that we continually take every opportunity to declare the truth, but sometimes that means simply asking pointed questions or saying something not quite so polarizing. The goal is to always point back to the truth. If someone is hostile, sure, shake the dust off. If they simply disagree, then continue engaging.
The best and most pertinent question to ask them is, "Where are you going when you die?" That will haul them up short and speechless. If possible, walk away from them and allow them to have time to seriously contemplate the question. They may reach out to you when the see you the next time, or arrange an appointment to see you.
whether my view or under standing the other sides. Bending to a banding the laws of this country is a non starter for me. I've talked with many. You can't have a conversion with someone who will not listen even after taking time to listen to them. Rising ones voice and yelling is not a argument. I listen to D'Souza story where he was giving a talk and people on one side kept talking over D'Souza. Fascists do this. Brown shirts did this. Any way possible to shut up the other side. Look at the View, CNN, MSNBC they do the same do not allow one to have a voice if it doesn't match theirs.
You are so correct. The important thing, however, is that we understand what we believe, and keep focused on the truth. Let everyone else get sucked into the chaos. We have the solid rock of truth on our side.
The truth will indeed set us free, Mike, as long as we set it free, It will defend itself, like a lion. But we do need to keep speaking truth and not be shouted down.
Jeff, can you somehow get word to Karen that I've been prevented from making any comments months ago? A message was sent to me, saying I've been prevented from posting any comments on her thread as long as I live." I'd greatly appreciate it if you can do that! Thanks, in advance.
Pastor Billy Crone produced an excellent documentary that supports your position and goes even deeper into the truth. You might be interested in its 8 parts:
Yes, but we must never give up the fight. The main reason is because we can know that God is in control. It may be the end, or it might not be. Either way, our mission is to fight for the truth and preach the Gospel for all to hear.
With all due respect, if there is no common ground (and you are right, there isn't), then it becomes a shoving match. For the past two years I've listened to, spoken to and watched the "other side". At first, defensively. Then over time, with a quest for earnestly trying to understand their view points. After all of that, in as neutral of a position as I could muster, I determined I was the only one trying to learn, understand and adapt. Bottom line, they simply want to believe what they believe right, wrong or indifferent. At this point, I've come to the conclusion they have every right to feel that way but I don't have to feel guilty about not wasting my. time to convince them otherwise. I did my time. I'm past spending my time frustrated and disliking these people. Now, I spend my hours verifying the claims from my side and sharing those with additional thought. I also stay informed as to the jab and anything I could do for those that took it — reverse it, detoxify etc. I do feel bad for these people and want to help them as we learn more. Regardless of whether they believe the jab was bad or not.
I would say the best tactic in this case is to simply ask questions. Force them to explain their positions. Often times this allows them to see the irrationality of their positions.
If they've taken the snake bites and their RNA is being changed from human to inhuman, then there's no point in even talking with them. As the Holy Spirit told me several years ago, "Jesus died for humans, not mutants or hybrids." I speak when He leads; if not, I mind my business and mosey on.
Quigley, I hear you loud and clear! Brainwashing is a very powerful tool, and it's working to the devil's advantage! Sadly, there is no detoxifying or reversing one's contaminated RNA / DNA; it's there to stay.
Good essay. I am reminded of a phrase used by Cornel West in a music video of a collaboration between young hip hop artists and older jazz musicians, the sales benefits helping those suffering from AIDs. A theme ran through the music regarding the conflict between those thinking minorities were deliberately targeted by elites, or just given a low priority. Dr. West tended to be more trusting that the elites were more incompetent than malevolent. But that was before the plandemic. His phrase to help keep us on the straight and narrow ... "Relentless self critique." ... in Japanese, 'hansei'.
Thank you, Karen, for another excellent and VERY TIMELY article! You are so spot on, right on target!
You said, "It’s gotten to the point where the right is wrong and wrong is right, which forces people to question their own reality."
That's a fulfillment of Bible prophecy as found in Isaiah 5: 20, 21:
"Woe (judgment) to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21. Woe to them them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight."
We are truly in those days; there's no denying it! "Men can have babies"; if you don't know and believe that, you're waaay behind the times! Surely, sane people cannot believe that foolishness?! I'm going to be 64 in a couple of weeks; I'm STILL waiting for my first period! If it doesn't happen soon, my biological clock is going to run out on me!!! My two adult daughters would laugh out loud if they could see this!
There is much deception in our world these days because the global government controls EVERYTHING! The very first warning Jesus gave to His disciples when they asked about the timing of the end of the world, was this: "Take heed that no man deceive you." Mt. 24: 4. It's going to get worse, (as if that's possible), but God's Word gives further admonition to those "with eyes to see, and ears to hear":
"WOE be to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! says the LORD. 2. Therefore thus says the LORD GOD of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, says the LORD. 11. For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house have I found their wickedness says the LORD" Jer. 23: 1, 2, 11.
Never before in the history of the world have such things been a reality on a GLOBAL scale as it is now! I totally agree with Karen...we MUST re-evaluate our worldview, and make good and sure that it aligns with God's Word, and that we're in the center of His will! After all, He sees from the beginning of time to the very end of time; He is eternal, outside of the limitations of time. He loves us enough to give us warnings; not to scare us, but to prepare us. A wise person will heed those warnings and govern themselves accordingly.
Many pastors are robbing the Church blind these days! I mean spiritually blind. They're avoiding the prophetic parts of the Holy Scriptures, doing a mighty injustice to God and to His flock. They ignore biblical doctrines such as sin, salvation, God's holiness, the virgin birth of Christ (His deity), etc.. They ignore the efficacy of His precious blood that He shed for the remission / forgiveness of our sins. They deny the sacredness of life and accept and promote abortion, the cruel and premeditated butchering of unborn babies. They swap wives, they participate in other forms of sin, i.e. porn, adultery, fornication, prophesying things God didn't tell them, they errantly teach the Bible without the Holy Spirit's input, etc. The Church is in a royal mess! In fact, most of the true born again, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Church is taking a dirt nap. Today, we, the living, are merely a small remnant of what the Church really is.
Dear ones, if you have a godly pastor who's giving you the full counsel of God (that includes eschatology / prophecy), living a consistent Christian life, and is tending well to your spiritual needs, YOU ARE TRULY BLESSED! Love on him and his family; pray for them, and support them every way you can!!! Offer to help him in any way you can; small acts of kindness, i.e. baby sitting their small children for a few hours so they can have some quality alone time together. Help with grocery shopping, drive his wife or child to an appointment, run an errand, etc. Such simple acts of love on your part may make the difference between his resignation and his staying in the ministry!!!
THOUSANDS of godly pastors are resigning each year because the pressures are too much for them. They "burn out". Their sheep expect them to do everything, and that's not his calling. The sheep are to bear lambs and to disciple / mentor them; that's not the shepherd's job! He faces extreme persecution behind the scenes, and all too often, from within his flock or ministerial circle! He's on the front lines of the spiritual warfare, and he's doing all within his power to feed and to protect you from the wolves and lions that seek to destroy you and your family!
Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another." Jn. 13: 35.
The other day, I was thinking "to myself"... I was thinking about Jesus as being the ONLY way to the Father, and into His kingdom. For years, I liked to have fun with the word, "Messiah", a title for Jesus Christ. I focus upon the first part of that word, "Mess", and then am reminded, "Jesus is truly the Messiah, as He's the only Way out of this MESS! The Holy Spirit (always a welcomed Guest) interrupted my thoughts with confirmation, "He's the ONLY way out of the mess the world is in." As always, He's soooo right!
Karen has encouraged and challenged us to re-evaluate and to consider our worldview. Some may ask, How do I do that? Here are two of the easiest ways that work for me:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3: 5, 6.
"Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Mt. 6: 33. You have to read the passage before that verse to discern what "all these things" are.
Folks, as bad as things are all around us, if Jesus tarries much longer, we're going to experience a pure and literal evil such as the world has never EVER seen! If the Rapture happens and He comes to call us Home, we truly have NO idea what a tremendous blessing that will be! For those left behind, they will become the play things of Klaus Schwab, Nuval Harari, et al! It's a HORROR SHOW! The WEF is the enemy of humanity; they hate God, therefore, they hate us, who are made in His image and likeness! WE are the "carbon footprint" they want to get rid of!
Recently, I was gifted with the following DVD set, wherein Pastor Billy Crone (Get a Life Ministries) lays out the whole plannedemic scenario from beginning to end in a FANTASTIC Holy Spirit-led documentary. He left no bases uncovered in the direction he took it. I cannot praise it enough!
Here's a link to the DVD documentary, TRULY A MUST SEE!!!
"Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust"
4 Disc DVD Set
This set is worth its weight in platinum! For those reading this, who do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord (Master), PLEASE do so ASAP! Life for those left behind is not at all going to be normal in ANY sense! IF you're allowed to live, "You will own nothing", not even free will! That's their words, not mine!
I never like to leave anybody without encouraging them, so be looking for the Author and Finisher of our faith; watch for Jesus! Many saints pray the Lord's model prayer which asks the Father to, "...deliver us from evil..." He will, in His own appointed time!
In John 14: 3 He promised to do just that! He said He will come for us, to receive us unto Himself, so that we can be where He is and out of the horrors to come. He wants to deliver us from this mess! Be ready! Be watchful! Be active in His service, and be prayed up, for soon and very soon, we are GOING UP!
Some reading this may say, "How can you be so sure about that?" Great question; glad you asked!
NEVER BEFORE in the history of the world has it EVER been so primed, ripe, and ready for that glorious event and the occupation of the Antichrist as it is now! Jesus said, "When you see these things BEGIN to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21: 28). LOOK UP!
I'm also very sure about this because Jesus told His disciples that He would rise again; He did. He said He's coming again; He WILL! Maranatha! Jesus IS coming! Are you ready?
I appreciate your willingness to interact with ideas you may not agree with .
I saw your interview of Seth Holehouse & Clay Clark & the SGTReport , which led me to this site .
On the SGTReport you mentioned that faith in Jesus was that which removes one from the domain of the devil (via the injections) .
I can verify Scripturally that the former (faith in Jesus for Everlasting Life) is objectively verifiable . The latter concept (the injections) , unclear to me .
What is Exegetically true is that "whosoever believes in Him will not perish but Has Everlasting Life" (John 3:16) . Apart from any action/deed/work of any sort : Ephesians 2:8-9 .
So , whether someone is injected , or not , is not decisive in terms of their eternal destination - as injurious and ridiculous as all Waccines are with respect to preventing any alleged"viruses" ; clearly falsified by Dr 's Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman , Tom Cowan et al 's Control Experiments .
Thank you and I'm very aware of the Nazi's still active in the USA and Ukraine. Besides the Cabal in the banking the connections of the Rothschilds, Vanderburgh & the Rockefellers. The USA bring the Germans into the us after the war besides backing the Hitler before the war with trucks and cash. Thank you
Very wise words, thank you. 🙏💕 This takes deep inner understanding. Because what can attach and pull us to and fro is sometimes conscious to us, and sometimes not. We need to face ourselves in a very naked way, including our self-importance and need for safety and acceptance. A big arc of maturity that a chunk of humanity needs to traverse to have a more healthy future.
Thank you, Karen, for another excellent and VERY TIMELY article! You are so spot on, right on target!
You said, "It’s gotten to the point where the right is wrong and wrong is right, which forces people to question their own reality."
That's a fulfillment of Bible prophecy as found in Isaiah 5: 20, 21:
"Woe (judgment) to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21. Woe to them them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight."
We are truly in those days; there's no denying it! "Men can have babies"; if you don't know and believe that, you're waaay behind the times! Surely, sane people cannot believe that foolishness?! I'm going to be 64 in a couple of weeks; I'm STILL waiting for my first period! If it doesn't happen soon, my biological clock is going to run out on me!!! My two adult daughters would laugh out loud if they could see this!
There is much deception in our world these days because the global government controls EVERYTHING! The very first warning Jesus gave to His disciples when they asked about the timing of the end of the world, was this: "Take heed that no man deceive you." Mt. 24: 4. It's going to get worse, (as if that's possible), but God's Word gives further admonition to those "with eyes to see, and ears to hear":
"WOE be to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! says the LORD. 2. Therefore thus says the LORD GOD of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, says the LORD. 11. For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house have I found their wickedness says the LORD" Jer. 23: 1, 2, 11.
Never before in the history of the world have such things been a reality on a GLOBAL scale as it is now! I totally agree with Karen...we MUST re-evaluate our worldview, and make good and sure that it aligns with God's Word, and that we're in the center of His will! After all, He sees from the beginning of time to the very end of time; He is eternal, outside of the limitations of time. He loves us enough to give us warnings; not to scare us, but to prepare us. A wise person will heed those warnings and govern themselves accordingly.
Many pastors are robbing the Church blind these days! I mean spiritually blind. They're avoiding the prophetic parts of the Holy Scriptures, doing a mighty injustice to God and to His flock. They ignore biblical doctrines such as sin, salvation, God's holiness, the virgin birth of Christ (His deity), etc.. They ignore the efficacy of His precious blood that He shed for the remission / forgiveness of our sins. They deny the sacredness of life and accept and promote abortion, the cruel and premeditated butchering of unborn babies. They swap wives, they participate in other forms of sin, i.e. porn, adultery, fornication, prophesying things God didn't tell them, they errantly teach the Bible without the Holy Spirit's input, etc. The Church is in a royal mess! In fact, most of the true born again, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Church is taking a dirt nap. Today, we, the living, are merely a small remnant of what the Church really is.
Dear ones, if you have a godly pastor who's giving you the full counsel of God (that includes eschatology / prophecy), living a consistent Christian life, and is tending well to your spiritual needs, YOU ARE TRULY BLESSED! Love on him and his family; pray for them, and support them every way you can!!! Offer to help him in any way you can; small acts of kindness, i.e. baby sitting their small children for a few hours so they can have some quality alone time together. Help with grocery shopping, drive his wife or child to an appointment, run an errand, etc. Such simple acts of love on your part may make the difference between his resignation and his staying in the ministry!!!
THOUSANDS of godly pastors are resigning each year because the pressures are too much for them. They "burn out". Their sheep expect them to do everything, and that's not his calling. The sheep are to bear lambs and to disciple / mentor them; that's not the shepherd's job! He faces extreme persecution behind the scenes, and all too often, from within his flock or ministerial circle! He's on the front lines of the spiritual warfare, and he's doing all within his power to feed and to protect you from the wolves and lions that seek to destroy you and your family!
Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another." Jn. 13: 35.
The other day, I was thinking "to myself"... I was thinking about Jesus as being the ONLY way to the Father, and into His kingdom. For years, I liked to have fun with the word, "Messiah", a title for Jesus Christ. I focus upon the first part of that word, "Mess", and then am reminded, "Jesus is truly the Messiah, as He's the only Way out of this MESS! The Holy Spirit (always a welcomed Guest) interrupted my thoughts with confirmation, "He's the ONLY way out of the mess the world is in." As always, He's soooo right!
Karen has encouraged and challenged us to re-evaluate and to consider our worldview. Some may ask, How do I do that? Here are two of the easiest ways that work for me:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3: 5, 6.
"Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Mt. 6: 33. You have to read the passage before that verse to discern what "all these things" are.
Folks, as bad as things are all around us, if Jesus tarries much longer, we're going to experience a pure and literal evil such as the world has never EVER seen! If the Rapture happens and He comes to call us Home, we truly have NO idea what a tremendous blessing that will be! For those left behind, they will become the play things of Klaus Schwab, Nuval Harari, et al! It's a HORROR SHOW! The WEF is the enemy of humanity; they hate God, therefore, they hate us, who are made in His image and likeness! WE are the "carbon footprint" they want to get rid of!
Recently, I was gifted with the following DVD set, wherein Pastor Billy Crone (Get a Life Ministries) lays out the whole plannedemic scenario from beginning to end in a FANTASTIC Holy Spirit-led documentary. He left no bases uncovered in the direction he took it. I cannot praise it enough!
Here's a link to the DVD documentary, TRULY A MUST SEE!!!
"Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust"
4 Disc DVD Set
This set is worth its weight in platinum! For those reading this, who do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord (Master), PLEASE do so ASAP! Life for those left behind is not at all going to be normal in ANY sense! IF you're allowed to live, "You will own nothing", not even free will! That's their words, not mine!
I never like to leave anybody without encouraging them, so be looking for the Author and Finisher of our faith; watch for Jesus! Many saints pray the Lord's model prayer which asks the Father to, "...deliver us from evil..." He will, in His own appointed time!
In John 14: 3 He promised to do just that! He said He will come for us, to receive us unto Himself, so that we can be where He is and out of the horrors to come. He wants to deliver us from this mess! Be ready! Be watchful! Be active in His service, and be prayed up, for soon and very soon, we are GOING UP!
Some reading this may say, "How can you be so sure about that?" Great question; glad you asked!
NEVER BEFORE in the history of the world has it EVER been so primed, ripe, and ready for that glorious event and the occupation of the Antichrist as it is now! Jesus said, "When you see these things BEGIN to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21: 28). LOOK UP!
I'm also very sure about this because Jesus told His disciples that He would rise again; He did. He said He's coming again; He WILL! Maranatha! Jesus IS coming! Are you ready?
The event that really forced me to clarify and define my beliefs and worldview was writing my "Religious Accommodation Request" to the federal government (beast system) for a vaccine exemption a couple of years ago. It started out as a simple objection to taking an injection with aborted fetal tissues and mRNA. In the end, I wrote 15 pages with over 200 quotes from scripture to justify my position. I did hundreds of hours of reading and video research, and have continued since then. The conclusion I reached in my request was that the shots are a technological mechanism to perform a Luciferian initiation and bring about mass demonic possession, just as Jeff spoke about in his recent interview on the SGT report. I firmly believe the main purpose of the "vaccines" is to harvest souls for Satan, either by killing the unsaved outright, or by enslaving the ones that survive to a demonic worship system. Watching the "spinners" die on CCTV as they cower in fear from something unseen only reinforces my belief.
I never got any answer on the exemption request, since the illegitimate administration quietly dropped their executive order mandating the shots, all the while telling the civil service over 95% of federal employees took the shot, which I don't believe at all. More gaslighting and social pressure. At any rate, if another mandate comes down I am loaded for bear to stand up against it, and my Christian faith has been incredibly strengthened as a result of the COVID deception. God uses all things for his purposes.
About half of the people I know are this way, and the other half, that way. I put out factual information, publicly and respectfully (no name calling, degrading, or condescending remarks), and let them digest on their own time. While tempted to "drop" people with diverging views, I haven't because I know they are the ones that need to hear it the most. I always let them know I'm open to discussing, even through direct messaging. I also send direct messages just to say how are you in hopes deeper conversation comes about or at a minimum, I mention to please view my public posts. So many people still in the dark. Work to do is far from over.
That's very cool Lee... and the right mentality to have. We'll never have the opportunity to speak into people's lives if we cut them out. The truth may be offensive, but we don't have to be unnecessarily. Keep up the good work!
People are at different phases and operate on different wavelengths. The door must be open when things align. We may not even be aware of the impact we make, but until we are the vocal majority, there is work to be done.
Amen sister.
Amen. You are spot on.
Lee, sometimes, we just have to shake the dust from off our sandals and "let the dead bury their dead." We need spiritual discernment perhaps more now than ever, because the devil is much more clever at his schemes / agendas. We need discernment to cipher out the swine from the seeking sheep, so we don't cast our pearls where they won't be received. That's wasting valuable time that would better be spent on those with "ears to hear and eyes to see." Blessings!
Unfortunately endurance is my strength, which may also become my weakness. Definitely breaks are necessary and try for them from time to time. Latest effort here: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/an-apology-from-me-to-you
Tis true! Even a hamster needs a break from the wheel from time to time! :)
Agreed. Although I think we often times shake the dust off our sandals far too early.
That can be the case if we're not in tune with the Holy Spirit. Jesus didn't tell us that we are to continually pursue for any length of time those who don't want to hear our message. Usually, when one has to shake the dust off their sandals, it's very evident the listener wants no part of the message.
Sometimes, our manner and method of sharing is more of a turn off than the message is. We must be very careful in that regard; precious souls are at stake.
There are times when we sow the seed and someone else comes by later on; they water it, and it grows. Sometimes, over a period of time, the disgruntled listener is touched by Life's circumstances and they are forced to look upwards. We do the best we can; some seed inevitably falls on rocky ground. We pray for them and hope for the best.
Agreed. I think that we continually take every opportunity to declare the truth, but sometimes that means simply asking pointed questions or saying something not quite so polarizing. The goal is to always point back to the truth. If someone is hostile, sure, shake the dust off. If they simply disagree, then continue engaging.
The best and most pertinent question to ask them is, "Where are you going when you die?" That will haul them up short and speechless. If possible, walk away from them and allow them to have time to seriously contemplate the question. They may reach out to you when the see you the next time, or arrange an appointment to see you.
whether my view or under standing the other sides. Bending to a banding the laws of this country is a non starter for me. I've talked with many. You can't have a conversion with someone who will not listen even after taking time to listen to them. Rising ones voice and yelling is not a argument. I listen to D'Souza story where he was giving a talk and people on one side kept talking over D'Souza. Fascists do this. Brown shirts did this. Any way possible to shut up the other side. Look at the View, CNN, MSNBC they do the same do not allow one to have a voice if it doesn't match theirs.
You are so correct. The important thing, however, is that we understand what we believe, and keep focused on the truth. Let everyone else get sucked into the chaos. We have the solid rock of truth on our side.
The truth will indeed set us free, Mike, as long as we set it free, It will defend itself, like a lion. But we do need to keep speaking truth and not be shouted down.
Jeff, can you somehow get word to Karen that I've been prevented from making any comments months ago? A message was sent to me, saying I've been prevented from posting any comments on her thread as long as I live." I'd greatly appreciate it if you can do that! Thanks, in advance.
Pastor Billy Crone produced an excellent documentary that supports your position and goes even deeper into the truth. You might be interested in its 8 parts:
Klaus Schwab,
The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust
4 Disc DVD Set - $29
It is more important to prepare our souls right now given the direction the world is going to go.
Yes, but we must never give up the fight. The main reason is because we can know that God is in control. It may be the end, or it might not be. Either way, our mission is to fight for the truth and preach the Gospel for all to hear.
I love the WORD too. It is my plumbline.
With all due respect, if there is no common ground (and you are right, there isn't), then it becomes a shoving match. For the past two years I've listened to, spoken to and watched the "other side". At first, defensively. Then over time, with a quest for earnestly trying to understand their view points. After all of that, in as neutral of a position as I could muster, I determined I was the only one trying to learn, understand and adapt. Bottom line, they simply want to believe what they believe right, wrong or indifferent. At this point, I've come to the conclusion they have every right to feel that way but I don't have to feel guilty about not wasting my. time to convince them otherwise. I did my time. I'm past spending my time frustrated and disliking these people. Now, I spend my hours verifying the claims from my side and sharing those with additional thought. I also stay informed as to the jab and anything I could do for those that took it — reverse it, detoxify etc. I do feel bad for these people and want to help them as we learn more. Regardless of whether they believe the jab was bad or not.
I would say the best tactic in this case is to simply ask questions. Force them to explain their positions. Often times this allows them to see the irrationality of their positions.
If they've taken the snake bites and their RNA is being changed from human to inhuman, then there's no point in even talking with them. As the Holy Spirit told me several years ago, "Jesus died for humans, not mutants or hybrids." I speak when He leads; if not, I mind my business and mosey on.
Quigley, I hear you loud and clear! Brainwashing is a very powerful tool, and it's working to the devil's advantage! Sadly, there is no detoxifying or reversing one's contaminated RNA / DNA; it's there to stay.
Yes, but there still is repentance, which God will honor.
Hi Karen,
Good essay. I am reminded of a phrase used by Cornel West in a music video of a collaboration between young hip hop artists and older jazz musicians, the sales benefits helping those suffering from AIDs. A theme ran through the music regarding the conflict between those thinking minorities were deliberately targeted by elites, or just given a low priority. Dr. West tended to be more trusting that the elites were more incompetent than malevolent. But that was before the plandemic. His phrase to help keep us on the straight and narrow ... "Relentless self critique." ... in Japanese, 'hansei'.
Cheers from Japan,
Excellent Karen!
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 NIV
Thank you, Karen, for another excellent and VERY TIMELY article! You are so spot on, right on target!
You said, "It’s gotten to the point where the right is wrong and wrong is right, which forces people to question their own reality."
That's a fulfillment of Bible prophecy as found in Isaiah 5: 20, 21:
"Woe (judgment) to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21. Woe to them them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight."
We are truly in those days; there's no denying it! "Men can have babies"; if you don't know and believe that, you're waaay behind the times! Surely, sane people cannot believe that foolishness?! I'm going to be 64 in a couple of weeks; I'm STILL waiting for my first period! If it doesn't happen soon, my biological clock is going to run out on me!!! My two adult daughters would laugh out loud if they could see this!
There is much deception in our world these days because the global government controls EVERYTHING! The very first warning Jesus gave to His disciples when they asked about the timing of the end of the world, was this: "Take heed that no man deceive you." Mt. 24: 4. It's going to get worse, (as if that's possible), but God's Word gives further admonition to those "with eyes to see, and ears to hear":
"WOE be to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! says the LORD. 2. Therefore thus says the LORD GOD of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, says the LORD. 11. For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house have I found their wickedness says the LORD" Jer. 23: 1, 2, 11.
Never before in the history of the world have such things been a reality on a GLOBAL scale as it is now! I totally agree with Karen...we MUST re-evaluate our worldview, and make good and sure that it aligns with God's Word, and that we're in the center of His will! After all, He sees from the beginning of time to the very end of time; He is eternal, outside of the limitations of time. He loves us enough to give us warnings; not to scare us, but to prepare us. A wise person will heed those warnings and govern themselves accordingly.
Many pastors are robbing the Church blind these days! I mean spiritually blind. They're avoiding the prophetic parts of the Holy Scriptures, doing a mighty injustice to God and to His flock. They ignore biblical doctrines such as sin, salvation, God's holiness, the virgin birth of Christ (His deity), etc.. They ignore the efficacy of His precious blood that He shed for the remission / forgiveness of our sins. They deny the sacredness of life and accept and promote abortion, the cruel and premeditated butchering of unborn babies. They swap wives, they participate in other forms of sin, i.e. porn, adultery, fornication, prophesying things God didn't tell them, they errantly teach the Bible without the Holy Spirit's input, etc. The Church is in a royal mess! In fact, most of the true born again, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Church is taking a dirt nap. Today, we, the living, are merely a small remnant of what the Church really is.
Dear ones, if you have a godly pastor who's giving you the full counsel of God (that includes eschatology / prophecy), living a consistent Christian life, and is tending well to your spiritual needs, YOU ARE TRULY BLESSED! Love on him and his family; pray for them, and support them every way you can!!! Offer to help him in any way you can; small acts of kindness, i.e. baby sitting their small children for a few hours so they can have some quality alone time together. Help with grocery shopping, drive his wife or child to an appointment, run an errand, etc. Such simple acts of love on your part may make the difference between his resignation and his staying in the ministry!!!
THOUSANDS of godly pastors are resigning each year because the pressures are too much for them. They "burn out". Their sheep expect them to do everything, and that's not his calling. The sheep are to bear lambs and to disciple / mentor them; that's not the shepherd's job! He faces extreme persecution behind the scenes, and all too often, from within his flock or ministerial circle! He's on the front lines of the spiritual warfare, and he's doing all within his power to feed and to protect you from the wolves and lions that seek to destroy you and your family!
Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another." Jn. 13: 35.
The other day, I was thinking "to myself"... I was thinking about Jesus as being the ONLY way to the Father, and into His kingdom. For years, I liked to have fun with the word, "Messiah", a title for Jesus Christ. I focus upon the first part of that word, "Mess", and then am reminded, "Jesus is truly the Messiah, as He's the only Way out of this MESS! The Holy Spirit (always a welcomed Guest) interrupted my thoughts with confirmation, "He's the ONLY way out of the mess the world is in." As always, He's soooo right!
Karen has encouraged and challenged us to re-evaluate and to consider our worldview. Some may ask, How do I do that? Here are two of the easiest ways that work for me:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3: 5, 6.
"Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Mt. 6: 33. You have to read the passage before that verse to discern what "all these things" are.
Folks, as bad as things are all around us, if Jesus tarries much longer, we're going to experience a pure and literal evil such as the world has never EVER seen! If the Rapture happens and He comes to call us Home, we truly have NO idea what a tremendous blessing that will be! For those left behind, they will become the play things of Klaus Schwab, Nuval Harari, et al! It's a HORROR SHOW! The WEF is the enemy of humanity; they hate God, therefore, they hate us, who are made in His image and likeness! WE are the "carbon footprint" they want to get rid of!
Recently, I was gifted with the following DVD set, wherein Pastor Billy Crone (Get a Life Ministries) lays out the whole plannedemic scenario from beginning to end in a FANTASTIC Holy Spirit-led documentary. He left no bases uncovered in the direction he took it. I cannot praise it enough!
Here's a link to the DVD documentary, TRULY A MUST SEE!!!
"Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust"
4 Disc DVD Set
This set is worth its weight in platinum! For those reading this, who do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord (Master), PLEASE do so ASAP! Life for those left behind is not at all going to be normal in ANY sense! IF you're allowed to live, "You will own nothing", not even free will! That's their words, not mine!
I never like to leave anybody without encouraging them, so be looking for the Author and Finisher of our faith; watch for Jesus! Many saints pray the Lord's model prayer which asks the Father to, "...deliver us from evil..." He will, in His own appointed time!
In John 14: 3 He promised to do just that! He said He will come for us, to receive us unto Himself, so that we can be where He is and out of the horrors to come. He wants to deliver us from this mess! Be ready! Be watchful! Be active in His service, and be prayed up, for soon and very soon, we are GOING UP!
Some reading this may say, "How can you be so sure about that?" Great question; glad you asked!
NEVER BEFORE in the history of the world has it EVER been so primed, ripe, and ready for that glorious event and the occupation of the Antichrist as it is now! Jesus said, "When you see these things BEGIN to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21: 28). LOOK UP!
I'm also very sure about this because Jesus told His disciples that He would rise again; He did. He said He's coming again; He WILL! Maranatha! Jesus IS coming! Are you ready?
Thank you KK for your thoughtful suggestions. I am clear in my beliefs
but do not necessarily broadcast them. I never argue with anyone regarding
the politics anymore. People are entrenched in their attitude/opinion. I was
warning my best friends for years, since Obama times and the 2007-2008 days
about what the future holds. I warned them to prepare mentally and on a practical
basis, eg moving or getting a "vacation" home away from the city. I was laughed at
(didn't care) and folks shrugged me off. So it goes. I bought a house far from the city,
and we sold the city house. My husband took an apartment as he fulfilled his work
contract. Now he is here with me.
Regards the flu issues? I am amazed at the number of people buying into the jab.
I do not bring it up, and few volunteer their info, but those that proudly proclaim?
Sorry to say, I moved away from them as I didn't trust the shedding issue. I do have neighbors
that home school and jab for nothing. My best buddies in the farmland area are those that
do not follow the common road. I am in sync with those people.
God Bless you,
Jeff Dornik ,
I appreciate your willingness to interact with ideas you may not agree with .
I saw your interview of Seth Holehouse & Clay Clark & the SGTReport , which led me to this site .
On the SGTReport you mentioned that faith in Jesus was that which removes one from the domain of the devil (via the injections) .
I can verify Scripturally that the former (faith in Jesus for Everlasting Life) is objectively verifiable . The latter concept (the injections) , unclear to me .
What is Exegetically true is that "whosoever believes in Him will not perish but Has Everlasting Life" (John 3:16) . Apart from any action/deed/work of any sort : Ephesians 2:8-9 .
So , whether someone is injected , or not , is not decisive in terms of their eternal destination - as injurious and ridiculous as all Waccines are with respect to preventing any alleged"viruses" ; clearly falsified by Dr 's Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman , Tom Cowan et al 's Control Experiments .
Thank you and I'm very aware of the Nazi's still active in the USA and Ukraine. Besides the Cabal in the banking the connections of the Rothschilds, Vanderburgh & the Rockefellers. The USA bring the Germans into the us after the war besides backing the Hitler before the war with trucks and cash. Thank you
My daughter's friend died in his sleep. He was 23.
I’m so sorry to hear that. Praying for your daughter
Very wise words, thank you. 🙏💕 This takes deep inner understanding. Because what can attach and pull us to and fro is sometimes conscious to us, and sometimes not. We need to face ourselves in a very naked way, including our self-importance and need for safety and acceptance. A big arc of maturity that a chunk of humanity needs to traverse to have a more healthy future.
Spot on
Thank you, Karen, for another excellent and VERY TIMELY article! You are so spot on, right on target!
You said, "It’s gotten to the point where the right is wrong and wrong is right, which forces people to question their own reality."
That's a fulfillment of Bible prophecy as found in Isaiah 5: 20, 21:
"Woe (judgment) to them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21. Woe to them them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight."
We are truly in those days; there's no denying it! "Men can have babies"; if you don't know and believe that, you're waaay behind the times! Surely, sane people cannot believe that foolishness?! I'm going to be 64 in a couple of weeks; I'm STILL waiting for my first period! If it doesn't happen soon, my biological clock is going to run out on me!!! My two adult daughters would laugh out loud if they could see this!
There is much deception in our world these days because the global government controls EVERYTHING! The very first warning Jesus gave to His disciples when they asked about the timing of the end of the world, was this: "Take heed that no man deceive you." Mt. 24: 4. It's going to get worse, (as if that's possible), but God's Word gives further admonition to those "with eyes to see, and ears to hear":
"WOE be to the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture! says the LORD. 2. Therefore thus says the LORD GOD of Israel against the pastors that feed My people: You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, says the LORD. 11. For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in My house have I found their wickedness says the LORD" Jer. 23: 1, 2, 11.
Never before in the history of the world have such things been a reality on a GLOBAL scale as it is now! I totally agree with Karen...we MUST re-evaluate our worldview, and make good and sure that it aligns with God's Word, and that we're in the center of His will! After all, He sees from the beginning of time to the very end of time; He is eternal, outside of the limitations of time. He loves us enough to give us warnings; not to scare us, but to prepare us. A wise person will heed those warnings and govern themselves accordingly.
Many pastors are robbing the Church blind these days! I mean spiritually blind. They're avoiding the prophetic parts of the Holy Scriptures, doing a mighty injustice to God and to His flock. They ignore biblical doctrines such as sin, salvation, God's holiness, the virgin birth of Christ (His deity), etc.. They ignore the efficacy of His precious blood that He shed for the remission / forgiveness of our sins. They deny the sacredness of life and accept and promote abortion, the cruel and premeditated butchering of unborn babies. They swap wives, they participate in other forms of sin, i.e. porn, adultery, fornication, prophesying things God didn't tell them, they errantly teach the Bible without the Holy Spirit's input, etc. The Church is in a royal mess! In fact, most of the true born again, Spirit-filled, Spirit-led Church is taking a dirt nap. Today, we, the living, are merely a small remnant of what the Church really is.
Dear ones, if you have a godly pastor who's giving you the full counsel of God (that includes eschatology / prophecy), living a consistent Christian life, and is tending well to your spiritual needs, YOU ARE TRULY BLESSED! Love on him and his family; pray for them, and support them every way you can!!! Offer to help him in any way you can; small acts of kindness, i.e. baby sitting their small children for a few hours so they can have some quality alone time together. Help with grocery shopping, drive his wife or child to an appointment, run an errand, etc. Such simple acts of love on your part may make the difference between his resignation and his staying in the ministry!!!
THOUSANDS of godly pastors are resigning each year because the pressures are too much for them. They "burn out". Their sheep expect them to do everything, and that's not his calling. The sheep are to bear lambs and to disciple / mentor them; that's not the shepherd's job! He faces extreme persecution behind the scenes, and all too often, from within his flock or ministerial circle! He's on the front lines of the spiritual warfare, and he's doing all within his power to feed and to protect you from the wolves and lions that seek to destroy you and your family!
Jesus said, "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you have love one to another." Jn. 13: 35.
The other day, I was thinking "to myself"... I was thinking about Jesus as being the ONLY way to the Father, and into His kingdom. For years, I liked to have fun with the word, "Messiah", a title for Jesus Christ. I focus upon the first part of that word, "Mess", and then am reminded, "Jesus is truly the Messiah, as He's the only Way out of this MESS! The Holy Spirit (always a welcomed Guest) interrupted my thoughts with confirmation, "He's the ONLY way out of the mess the world is in." As always, He's soooo right!
Karen has encouraged and challenged us to re-evaluate and to consider our worldview. Some may ask, How do I do that? Here are two of the easiest ways that work for me:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. 6. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Prov. 3: 5, 6.
"Seek you first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Mt. 6: 33. You have to read the passage before that verse to discern what "all these things" are.
Folks, as bad as things are all around us, if Jesus tarries much longer, we're going to experience a pure and literal evil such as the world has never EVER seen! If the Rapture happens and He comes to call us Home, we truly have NO idea what a tremendous blessing that will be! For those left behind, they will become the play things of Klaus Schwab, Nuval Harari, et al! It's a HORROR SHOW! The WEF is the enemy of humanity; they hate God, therefore, they hate us, who are made in His image and likeness! WE are the "carbon footprint" they want to get rid of!
Recently, I was gifted with the following DVD set, wherein Pastor Billy Crone (Get a Life Ministries) lays out the whole plannedemic scenario from beginning to end in a FANTASTIC Holy Spirit-led documentary. He left no bases uncovered in the direction he took it. I cannot praise it enough!
Here's a link to the DVD documentary, TRULY A MUST SEE!!!
"Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust"
4 Disc DVD Set
This set is worth its weight in platinum! For those reading this, who do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord (Master), PLEASE do so ASAP! Life for those left behind is not at all going to be normal in ANY sense! IF you're allowed to live, "You will own nothing", not even free will! That's their words, not mine!
I never like to leave anybody without encouraging them, so be looking for the Author and Finisher of our faith; watch for Jesus! Many saints pray the Lord's model prayer which asks the Father to, "...deliver us from evil..." He will, in His own appointed time!
In John 14: 3 He promised to do just that! He said He will come for us, to receive us unto Himself, so that we can be where He is and out of the horrors to come. He wants to deliver us from this mess! Be ready! Be watchful! Be active in His service, and be prayed up, for soon and very soon, we are GOING UP!
Some reading this may say, "How can you be so sure about that?" Great question; glad you asked!
NEVER BEFORE in the history of the world has it EVER been so primed, ripe, and ready for that glorious event and the occupation of the Antichrist as it is now! Jesus said, "When you see these things BEGIN to happen, look up, for your redemption draws near." (Luke 21: 28). LOOK UP!
I'm also very sure about this because Jesus told His disciples that He would rise again; He did. He said He's coming again; He WILL! Maranatha! Jesus IS coming! Are you ready?
Sorry Jeff, addressed the wrong person
No worries!
Thank you for this reminder!! God bless ❤️
The event that really forced me to clarify and define my beliefs and worldview was writing my "Religious Accommodation Request" to the federal government (beast system) for a vaccine exemption a couple of years ago. It started out as a simple objection to taking an injection with aborted fetal tissues and mRNA. In the end, I wrote 15 pages with over 200 quotes from scripture to justify my position. I did hundreds of hours of reading and video research, and have continued since then. The conclusion I reached in my request was that the shots are a technological mechanism to perform a Luciferian initiation and bring about mass demonic possession, just as Jeff spoke about in his recent interview on the SGT report. I firmly believe the main purpose of the "vaccines" is to harvest souls for Satan, either by killing the unsaved outright, or by enslaving the ones that survive to a demonic worship system. Watching the "spinners" die on CCTV as they cower in fear from something unseen only reinforces my belief.
I never got any answer on the exemption request, since the illegitimate administration quietly dropped their executive order mandating the shots, all the while telling the civil service over 95% of federal employees took the shot, which I don't believe at all. More gaslighting and social pressure. At any rate, if another mandate comes down I am loaded for bear to stand up against it, and my Christian faith has been incredibly strengthened as a result of the COVID deception. God uses all things for his purposes.