The One Thing You Can Do To Bring Clarity Within The Chaos
Challenge yourself. What do you actually believe? What’s your worldview? Are your alliances in alignment with your beliefs?
We all know that our nation, and the world, has devolved into chaos. It’s gotten to the point where the right is wrong and wrong is right, which forces people to question their own reality. Because of the undermining of truth, people are being herded into different groups and being pit against each other. This truly is dangerous territory.
For example, the pro-vaxxers and anti-vaxxers are divided. There’s no common ground among either side. There’s also very little interaction, as we have two completely different worldviews when it comes to vaccines, covid, mandates and the like. One side could make a good point, but the other won’t engage with it for fear of conceding any ground to the “enemy.”
Another example is Donald Trump. In today’s society, you either love him or hate him. There’s very few in the middle. To the Never Trumpers, there’s not a single good thing that he’s accomplished. Not the most successful economy in American history, no new wars under his watch, the lowest unemployment of African-Americans in US history… the list goes on and on. If they are pinned into a corner, they’ll try to explain why it’s not thanks to Trump, which is rarely a good argument. On the flip side, if a conservative is critical of Trump in any way, his supporters will immediately lambast them into oblivion, calling them a Deep State Operative, a RINO or even, heaven forbid, a Democrat.
Now, out of necessity, groups are important. This allows us to get things done through coordination. What’s hurting us, however, is group think. This is leading to our downfall.
Most of us are caught up in Group Think in one way or another. It may be that you are a part of the MAGA Movement and go along with the crowd on virtually everything. It may be that you are anti-vaxx and buy into every conspiracy theory that supports your position. You may be on the right team, but have the wrong mentality.
This is why it’s important we all take the next few days to take a step back from the chaos and re-evaluate our positions. Challenge yourself. What do you actually believe? What’s your worldview? Are your alliances in alignment with your beliefs?
Your stated worldview may be at odds with your behavior, which is why it’s so important to re-evaluate everything.
One thing that I’ve consistently tried to do is interact with those that disagree with me on a regular basis. That may be one-on-one conversations, bringing on particular guests to my show or even going on a Lefty show to be challenged. This forces me to put forth my best argument, take a listen to their best argument, and re-evaluate my positions to see if they hold up to scrutiny.
After re-evaluation, I can then know that I am correct in my belief, I’m wrong in my belief OR, most likely, I may need to fine tune my position.
This constant re-evaluation takes humility. It takes listening to the other side. It takes honesty. But it also take you taking an honest look at yourself to see where you can improve. Maybe the issue wasn’t your position, but in your presentation of the position.
As we head into the New Year and ring in 2023, we only have a limited time to turn things around in America. 2024 seems like a long way off, but before you know it, it’s going to be Campaign Season. Don’t get caught up in group think.
Spend quality time figuring out your beliefs… what YOU believe about the world and how it should function. About morality. About sin. About religion. About politics. Everything. Once you figure that out, you’ll have clarity within the chaos.
Get grounded in the truth, otherwise you’ll be thrown to and fro and be overtaken by the chaos. Truth stays consistent.
“The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” -Psalm 18:2
About half of the people I know are this way, and the other half, that way. I put out factual information, publicly and respectfully (no name calling, degrading, or condescending remarks), and let them digest on their own time. While tempted to "drop" people with diverging views, I haven't because I know they are the ones that need to hear it the most. I always let them know I'm open to discussing, even through direct messaging. I also send direct messages just to say how are you in hopes deeper conversation comes about or at a minimum, I mention to please view my public posts. So many people still in the dark. Work to do is far from over.
whether my view or under standing the other sides. Bending to a banding the laws of this country is a non starter for me. I've talked with many. You can't have a conversion with someone who will not listen even after taking time to listen to them. Rising ones voice and yelling is not a argument. I listen to D'Souza story where he was giving a talk and people on one side kept talking over D'Souza. Fascists do this. Brown shirts did this. Any way possible to shut up the other side. Look at the View, CNN, MSNBC they do the same do not allow one to have a voice if it doesn't match theirs.