Thanks to Karen Kingston for sharing this. Just joined Pickax. Don't see link to register for, or join, this event. Lloyd Chapman is on poster as panelist. He knows nothing about this event. I work for him. Happy to help, or tell him why he's on your poster. Please let me know. Thank you.

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Mary Kirby

just now

The keep plugging that covid bat virus.

Dr David Martin and others have already explained how it went from Ft Detrich, to University of Chapel Hill North Carolina then over to Wuhan.

Keep trying to hide the origins they used to steal the 2020 election.

Now folks, Trump is closing down the Municipal United States because it went bankrupt in 2017, get this, at the order of Pope Francis, to save the church.

Trump’s corporation, the British Territorial United States is in Chapter 11, and they have formed a USA, LLC, as the next one.

They have to dismiss 1.5 plus or minus Fed employees, and 350 Federal Agencies, more or less to follow the mandates of a private bankruptcy in the World Court.

They are MANDATED to do this.

They have used the American population as mini corporations to leverage you, your life labor, your assets to fund their Ponzi scheme governments They did this all over the world in most governments.

I urge you to listen to the following:


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I’ve heard others suspect that trump and Musk were acting like the CEO’s of a bankrupt corporation; cutting expenses and increasing revenue in order to save it.

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Anna V verbiage most are unaware of. I saw your previous post with the link to her webinar.

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Hot damm you're getting warm!

The issue of the 'pope' & the 'georgetown bros' aside we are seeing the whole thing come out in plain view now. The week led off with that classic media tsunami of "White House Prayer Meet!" photo psy-op-peretta ... a gaggle of hand-picked ghouls all pretending to be deep in -lol- "christian prayer"... led a token "black man" of course, for 'inclusion purposes.'

Meanwhile back at the raunchy roach motel what be DC... they're ALL satanists and/or 'third temple' extremists of the kind who want to blow up the middle east by demolishing the al asqa mosque and igniting the final conflagration. Puppet47s mandate is ever so clear to those few watching with eyes wide open;

and this pickax deal is just part of the media circus to back it up. All the 'base' who brought Puppet47 back to the WH must needs be mollified, coddled and thrown bread crumbs as when needed. So that they relax back into the soothing hot water of their jacuzzi frog pot.

Lucky Larry Ellison sharpens his needles; F_Elon rushes his neurolink mind control platform and GO space dust frequency fence into final readiness.

Ten Thousand demons, dyybuk and djinn look on in smiling satisfaction.

After millennia of being 'cheated' from achieving the treasured goal of eliminating the hated enemy of yahwehists forever... at last the final victory is in sight!

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It's very hard to know how to see that Pickax conference tomorrow, May 1 at 1pm. How can it be viewed?

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Bless you ALL for your bravery and humanity. Australia is still rousing from their stupor, entrenched FEAR and cognitive denial. "All that is needed for Tyranny and Evil to Prosper - is for people of goodwill to do nothing." Edmund Burke...

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How about getting some hot coal where the sun don't shine, wouldn't that be their results, won't make you millions but the point will become clear

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HI, i just tried to sign up, filled out the page, clicked the link and nothing happened :(

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Nicole Shanahan did all she could to get Democrat senators Warnock and Ossoff elected in Georgia. And then, had buyer's remorse and thought she could threaten them from the RFK Jr camp to vote to confirm him. As if that would work. This is someone to take seriously? I'll pass.

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I fear the church has lost its SALTINESS and is worth nothing anymore...Pay attention to the date!

From Reverend Isaac Lockhart Peebles, Unanswerable Objections to Vaccination 1902.

"The plea of the advocates of these [vaccination] abominations when cornered

is, it is right to kill a few in order to save many. What a plea! Kill a few to save

many! In reality, it is killing many to save none. The commandment of the God

of the universe is ignored, whose commandment is... Thou shalt not kill.”

Praise God for those who are still crying out and haven't lost their SALT!

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“If we don’t resist now, we may wake up one day in a world where dissent is impossible—because our very minds have been reprogrammed to comply.”

For the sake of the children, the future generations and all of humanity it’s our duty to fight!

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Awesome people!!!! Thank all of you !!!

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God bless you all. What a fight. So much more then any other and I’ll be putting on the Armor of God, as well as anything in the flesh I can do. Good on ya mates. 🪖

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I'm watching now and learning so much! God bless all of you sharing truth!

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We created this song based on this discussion...The Rise of AI - Synthesized Souls https://youtu.be/WjJLAi4yVho?feature=shared

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