Excellent. I appreciate your work very much. Thank you. Perhaps investing in Depends UnderGarments would be a profitable venture at this juncture, with the left all peeing themselves over the election results...their false prophet barry said "elections have consequences"...this time the consequences should be very strict and sure...so that we never have another "vaccine" genocide, or another bout of pedophiles mutilating kids genitals, or fake supply chain shortages, or record high fuel costs, or a flood of mediocrity in medicine and governance by sociopathic liars. Just sayin'.

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trump funded warped speed poison shots and pretended he had fake covid on national tv when he knows all insiders know virus do not exist. trump is best actor the cabal has

To dupe his followers into accepting digital id more eurveilance in name of fake security! Www.VirusTruth.NET

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