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Last comment: Take the time to subscribe to someone like Dr. Makis, come out of the science realm for a minute, and view the hundreds of thousands of victims who have lost limbs due to sepsis (immunocompromised). Look at the families who lost two members immediately after the jab. I personally now have many friends and family who have succumbed to this bioweapon. While others, such as yourself, argue on linguistic talking points. No disrespect intended. I am writing a book as we speak on the horrors of vaccines. Yes. virology is a lie for the most part. But if you do not think they have the capabilities of genetically sequencing a disease and installing it via mRNA then you must give a plausible reason for the carnage. To say that everything in a patent is just an idea and there for the fun of it is truly disingenuous and a slap in the face of the victims. Take care!

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I didn’t say I didn’t know people lost to the jab, nor did I say patents were just for fun I said, "thanks for the commentary fun", but until they are in a product they are just ideas, why do you keep putting words in my mouth?

I do agree jabs cause lots of deaths but we don’t know the exact cause of deaths. Chemicals, and abnormal cell-lines, which are not nanotech can kill of course.

To say, “they have the capabilities of genetically sequencing a disease and installing it via mRNA” you need to show the methods of this being done in actual reality, in the methods of a research paper (not a patent) that can be scrutinized, showing mRNA purified and sequenced and it’s product.

You don’t have this paper right? I have proven that mRNA has not been definitively proven to be in the shots in one of the links I gave you (Proton’s Last Theorem), much less what mRNA might actually do. So it is conjecture and we don’t know.

Honestly Brian, you keep saying things with no evidence of these actual things as physical objects and mechanisms. If you have evidence fine I'm not against it. Patents are not physical objects or mechanisms, and any idea can be registered as a patent, and used for deception, you do know this is an information war right?

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So, you don't believe Pfizer when they say they can "Add or delete a gene"? Nor do you believe them when say their mRNA is "an operating software"? Then I would assume when the NIH comes out and says 98 million were given the cancer gene SV40 through animal passaging with the polio vaccine and it's peer reviewed, you don't believe them either? It's been shown that the SV40 gene is now written into the genetic soup contained in the plasmids that they never disclosed were part of the serum. But because it's not peer reviewed by the medical cabal, you scoff at it.

Mt friend, your logic is faulty. Do you remember when Lancet came out and declared that a large % of all the heart attacks were being caused by the serum. They immediately had to retract the article because the medical establishment which is really just a cartel owned by big pharma made them pull it.

You will never find a peer reviewed study that the medical establishment will approve because they are the problem!

"Chemical and abnormal cell lines" have always been part of vaccines and in NO way explains

the explosion of deaths. I know you did not say the info in the patents were there for fun. But you blew it off as "deceptive"...Right?

They literally tell you on live TV that they are creating DNA (Albert Bourla-Pfizer-Bloomberg) and you refuse to believe them?...Why?

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Hey thanks, I think I would just be rehashing the logic I told you above but appreciate your passion. On the medrvix paper the answer is staring you in the face even in the abstract, no shame on you because it is not easy if you don't get the trick, and it is no shame you don't really know how to read these papers, few people do, even Drs, that's why they all got the shot.

Simmer on it-YOU need to learn it, not hear it from me anymore because you need a fishing rod not a fish. You can ask me in May to explain if you still don't get it (hint: where do these things come from and how do they analyze them), but going to sleep now!

Be well my good man.

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I will leave you with this comment. Study the savior Asclepius, known as the rod of Asclepius, the symbol for medicine. Study the temple of Asclepius, known as the seat of Satan in Rev. Are you aware millions were put to death for not worshipping this pagan deity in the 1st century. This is all related to the MOTB, and I fear we are on different sides in this war. In a year or two you will not be able buy or sell without proof of your vax on your digital ID. Rev 18:23 is happening. This is a spiritual battle my friend and Jesus is real! Be blessed!

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