I will leave you with this comment. Study the savior Asclepius, known as the rod of Asclepius, the symbol for medicine. Study the temple of Asclepius, known as the seat of Satan in Rev. Are you aware millions were put to death for not worshipping this pagan deity in the 1st century. This is all related to the MOTB, and I fear we are on d…
I will leave you with this comment. Study the savior Asclepius, known as the rod of Asclepius, the symbol for medicine. Study the temple of Asclepius, known as the seat of Satan in Rev. Are you aware millions were put to death for not worshipping this pagan deity in the 1st century. This is all related to the MOTB, and I fear we are on different sides in this war. In a year or two you will not be able buy or sell without proof of your vax on your digital ID. Rev 18:23 is happening. This is a spiritual battle my friend and Jesus is real! Be blessed!
I will leave you with this comment. Study the savior Asclepius, known as the rod of Asclepius, the symbol for medicine. Study the temple of Asclepius, known as the seat of Satan in Rev. Are you aware millions were put to death for not worshipping this pagan deity in the 1st century. This is all related to the MOTB, and I fear we are on different sides in this war. In a year or two you will not be able buy or sell without proof of your vax on your digital ID. Rev 18:23 is happening. This is a spiritual battle my friend and Jesus is real! Be blessed!