I agree and I am sure many do. We are learning to take over our Republican Executive Committees using Dan Schultz's prodding. We have started winning as we learn the rules of the game. We are many and it is time consuming to stay vigilant. We need watches/watchers. People who hold officials accountable at the local level--and publicize.

People are willing to volunteer for a cause they believe in. A cause that helps their families. I was just reading someone the other day who was explaining the morality of communist volunteers.

They want to change the world and do not care by what means. We are not quite sure that we are in the right to make them come about. They are quite sure about changing us.

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I highly recommend you check out Chad Caton. He’s doing a lot to educate people on how to take over local GOPs. He’s been really successful in South Carolina.

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Good but let me make a proposal -- we need to drop the moniker of "conservative" we don't want to be just attempting to "conserve" we need to be actively right wing, making the country more right in a radical way.

A goal of "Conservation" is an intrinsically weak position for a political movement. We want to be radically transforming this nation.

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I disagree. Our goal is to conserve freedom and liberty, and those God-given constitutional rights. We don’t want to transform the nation, except back to the values established by our founding fathers.

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Freedom and liberty are totally smashed and wrecked. You can't conserve your way back to them. The moniker of conservative is both inappropriate in this context and low energy.

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i.e., the culture at large is mostly opposed to traditional family (i.e., Christian) values that formed the fundamental basis for the founder's vision of peace, freedom, and liberty. One cannot just conserve back to these but instead actively rollback the destructive elements that have destroyed the basis of those freedoms and liberties

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I believe that you are playing semantics with the word "conservative". We need to go on the offensive politically to roll back government control and power that has overstepped its constitutional authority. We also need to go on the offensive culturally to regain influence of morality founded in the Bible, as our Founding Fathers did. And finally, we also need to get back to boldly proclaiming the truth found in the Scripture and preach the Gospel so that we can also fight this battle on the spiritual front, which will result in repentance and a people turning back to God. All of this is a part of the conservative agenda... or, in other words, conserving the founding principles of this great nation.

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