Are You Taking Notes? The Freedom Caucus is Laying Out Our Gameplan to Drain the Swamp Within the GOP
These twenty Patriotic Republicans are taking an all-or-nothing approach, which is exactly the kind of mentality we need today.
The twenty members of the Freedom Caucus are taking on the Swamp in DC, which isn’t making them a lot of friends. In fact, they are literally risking everything by taking this stand. Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, Chip Roy and the rest of the gang, if they were to ever cave and vote in Kevin McCarthy, face being alienated by the Speaker from positions on committees to being thwarted at every step if they attempt to push particular legislation.
The strategy of the Freedom Caucus is all or nothing, and they know this. If they lose this standoff, they lose more than this fight. They lose everything for as long as McCarthy is Speaker of the House. However, the stakes are too high to take any other approach.
The Republican Party leadership is at odds with its voting base, yet that is nothing new. The complaint about the Establishment GOP and RINOs has been discussed at length for decades, that is nothing new. What is new is that we have finally have a handful of people willing to do something about it.
The Freedom Caucus Twenty, led by Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Chip Roy and Paul Gosar, are leading the charge against the Swamp within the Republican Party. I’ve long said that, while the Democrats are pure evil, the Republican leadership is even worse because they’ll lie to your face and then work to implement the globalist plan of the Democrat Party. This is why we cannot allow a Globalist like Kevin McCarthy, who works with the World Economic Forum, to become Speaker of the House.
Immediately, the Swamp Creatures descended to attack these American Patriots willing to take on the corrupt political system. We began seeing who is Republican First versus America First. Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, both strong leaders historically within the conservative and America First Movement, began attacking these twenty patriots who dared to rock the ship. Even Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene have called on these elected officials to vote in the Swamp Creature Kevin McCarthy.
While it’s definitely a gamble and risky move, it’s also one of the only strategic ways that this group has to hold our leadership accountable to the American people. In fact, it might be one our only maneuvers in order to right the sinking ship that is the United States of America.
We’ve waited long enough for our political leaders to fix the problem of corruption. The problem? They are all corrupt, so why would they fix the game that allows them to game the system? Our response, then, needs to be strategic and hold them accountable, which is exactly what the Freedom Caucus is doing.
We should follow their example and take this same strategy ourselves. What would that look like?
First, we would have to organize a movement reminiscent of the Tea Party, almost a party within a party. Even if we only had five percent of the vote within the movement, that is negotiating power. Remember, we don’t need a majority to be able to fix the GOP. We just need enough people to have leverage. Think about it… if 5% of the GOP walked away, the Republican Party would lose almost every election. This means that a small minority has the ability to control the future of the party, which is exactly what the Freedom Caucus understands and is implementing right now.
Then, once we have the voting base, we negotiate with the party leadership with certain non-negotiables and if we don’t get those, we walk and go third party. This is all a part of Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal, and the Freedom Caucus is playing this perfectly. It’s also how we can have the opportunity to take back the Republican Party.
Our greatest weakness as a Conservative Movement is that we don’t have leverage because we largely are not organized. The Democrats understand that you must organize to win, which is why they separate everyone into groups. Because we believe in individuality, this puts us at a disadvantage from a negotiation standpoint.
Following the lead of the Freedom Caucus may be our only way of taking back the Republican Party and saving America. Start taking notes, folks… we’ve got a lot of work to do if we want to turn things around. And it all starts with growing a spine and being willing to stare the Swamp Creatures of DC right in the face without flinching until we get our party back.
I agree and I am sure many do. We are learning to take over our Republican Executive Committees using Dan Schultz's prodding. We have started winning as we learn the rules of the game. We are many and it is time consuming to stay vigilant. We need watches/watchers. People who hold officials accountable at the local level--and publicize.
People are willing to volunteer for a cause they believe in. A cause that helps their families. I was just reading someone the other day who was explaining the morality of communist volunteers.
They want to change the world and do not care by what means. We are not quite sure that we are in the right to make them come about. They are quite sure about changing us.
Good but let me make a proposal -- we need to drop the moniker of "conservative" we don't want to be just attempting to "conserve" we need to be actively right wing, making the country more right in a radical way.
A goal of "Conservation" is an intrinsically weak position for a political movement. We want to be radically transforming this nation.