Im a conservative/independent. As such, I've found all the new alternatives to suck. The key imo is to just launch a site and "say whatever as long as it isnt illegal", and leave it as that.

Most of these sites are nothing but echo chambers for me and I dont need it. The kicker is - they all censor too. Pfft.

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There is the problem right there. "Say whatever as long as it isn't illegal."

Whether or not something is LEGAL or not is irrelevant. It should be whether or not it is LAWFUL.

One of the greatest tragedies we face in "America" today, is that we are misled into thinking the words "legal" and "lawful" are interchangeable and mean the same thing.

They aren't, and they don't.

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Is that all you got, cuck?

Such a simple thing to prove me wrong on.

Except, you can't.

You're unable to.

So this is all you have to give.

Fucking pussy.

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I will SMASH you in a debate.


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Jeff Dornik has been challenged to a live stream debate on the Jewish nature of things.

The gauntlet has been thrown down.

Watch the idiot run away.

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"However, that all changed once Elon Musk purchased Twitter and welcomed back many of us who were permanently suspended."

No. No he didn't.

This is a LIE.

Not sure why Jeff Dornik would lie here...but Elon Musk did NOT welcome back "many of us who were permanently suspended".

He welcomed back a FEW, who towed the JEW LINE.

Those who spoke actual truth?

Were NEVER un-banned and NEVER "welcomed back".

Why are you deliberately lying here? This isn't some "accidental omission". This is a flat-out bold-faced lie.

The question is why?

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Go back and read the quote... I said that he welcomed back many of us who were permanently suspended. You are saying that he did not. Did he let me back on? Matt Couch? Mindy Robinson? Dr Pierre Kory? Dr Robert Malone? Dr Peter McCullough? Just because he didn't like anti-semites like yourself who are a bunch of racists doesn't mean he didn't let anybody back on.

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My name is Jeff Dornik, and according to my thought process, Jesus was an anti-Semite!

How dare he make a whip and beat the Jews and cast them from the temple!!!!

Jeff Dornik - JESUS HATER!!!

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My name is Jeff Dornik, and because Elon Musk allowed 1% (or less) of the people back, oh he's a champion of truth!!!

Notice how this idiot won't post any actual percentages of people who have been let back on Twitter.

Notice how he offers NO REAL FACTS.

He (it?) knows that the actual numbers DECIMATE his "story".

Won't they, Jeff?

Why don't you toss up the numbers for us?

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Wow, you ARE an idiot. How did you get this job, anyway? Oh, wait...never mind. You got a little on your chin, there. Here's a kleenex.

First of all, you ignorant little cuck, I'm not an "anti-Semite". Jews aren't "Semites", you little retard. I AM A SEMITE, RETARD. SEMITES are those descended from SHEM, who traditionally spoke a SEMITIC LANGUAGE.

JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES. JEWS ARE NOT HEBREWS. THEY ADMIT THIS THEMSELVES, TARDO. From the JEWISH ALMANAC, 1980, pg. 3 under the heading "IDENTITY CRISIS" it states: "Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a "Jew" or to call a contemporary Jew an "Israelite" or a "Hebrew."






JESUS HIMSELF said "Beware those who say they are JUDEAN (Jew is a mistranslation) BUT THEY ARE NOT, for they are a SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN."

Huh. Who goes to Synagogue again?

Where is there a mention of a "Star of David" in the Bible, retard?

Oh wait, this term isn't found in the Bible, is it? But the STAR OF REMPHAN is, isn't it, retard? Who's REMPHAN, you little idiot? What is the Star of Saturn? What is the Key of Solomon?

What does it say in Acts 7:43? Oh, just something about the tabernacle of MOLECH under the STAR OF REMPHAN.

You're an idiot, and an ignoramous. None of those retard "doctors" have ONCE told the truth about "viruses" NOT EXISTING. Each one is a CONTROLLED PUPPET pushing an APPROVED CONTROLLED NARRATIVE.

And using the Trotsky-inspired term "racist" shows just what a brainwashed idiot you really are. Botanists love plants. Pianists love the piano. Chemists love chemistry. And racists love their race.

Sorry if I don't kowtow to the Jewdefinition of your Jewtarded words. Fucking idiot.

Why don't you and me live stream a debate on this particular subject?

Oh wait, I know the answer to that, too. You're a fucking coward and a Jewcuck shill, and the last thing you want is truthful and honest discourse.

Fucking cuck.

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I'm blocked by Torba for complaining that the coffee mug I purchased from him was made in China, but you have to admit, he's got the only truly free-speech platform.

There are all sorts of terrible people on there...block or mute them, and move on.

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Good point. Gab is the only actual free speech platform that I know of.

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Musk's censorship gambit exposed his globalist enemies and rebuilt enough goodwill to hurt rival platforms. Either very smart very lucky or both.

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There is no "Musk's censorship gambit".

You're living in a doublethink deluded dream world.

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The only delusional doublethink dream work is yours.

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Prove it pussy.

Let's live stream a debate.

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