Either Elon Musk is overwhelmed with the task to "FREE THE BIRD" - as the DEEP STATE has successfully installed too many STEALTH STOPS to "free speech" to locate & eliminate within the past few month - or Elon Musk has been bribed by the DEEP STATE as all the other powerful players in the United States, and is now under pressure himself . . . ?


In case Elon is overwhelmed, he should install a transparent place - where everyone can report PROOF of EACH & ANY violation of the first amendment aka free speech - and at the same time everyone can verify the state of each complaint. THAT IS FULL TRANSPARENCY + DEMOCRATIC.


If Elon has been bribed or pressured - THAT will show also - inside that place where PROOF of violations is openly visible.


If neither one holds true - Elon has not yet found the RIGHT executive for this difficult job in crazy times of CRIMINAL CENSORING ALL OVER AMERICA - so he must look out for someone COMPETENT & with the INTEGRITY of JULIAN ASSANGE for example . . . !

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Jun 21, 2023·edited Jun 21, 2023

Elon musk promised Tim Cook and macron he would bring in content moderation which is why they backed off from removing access to the twitter app. Do you think they did this out if the goodness of their hearts.

Musk delivered on his promise. To think that musk is the good guy here is painfully naive. Musk is a globalist. Nothing more. Just like DeSantis. Conservatives always looking for other people to fight their battles while they do little more than complaining about things on social media.

Hunter Biden just got a free pass while the republicans intentionally slow walked their investigation. So that’s over. And all of the other investigations are going nowhere as well under the direction of the globalist McCarthy. Have you contacted your congressman demanding McCarthy be vacated? Likely not.

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I am a German - looking at your theater from far away . . .

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I said all of this the day he purchased twitter. I reiterated it when apple and the EU backed down from removing access to twitter. Musk clearly promised them content moderation that would meet their standards and he delivered. Musk is a globalist. Like DeSantis. Conservatives are so quick to jump on board any train they think will move their agenda further while remaining uninvolved and apathetic.

How many conservatives called their congressmen demanding McCarthy be vacated. Very few. We keep blaming the left bit the real source of our fall as a nation is the apathetic conservatives that prioritize their entertainment and conveniences over any values or ethics.

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