Why is Congress Holding Hearings on Everything Except for the Most Important Issue We Face?

Why are (seemingly) most governments (and most people) preoccupied with everything except the most important issue we face?

Well, I think that, from a psycho-spiritual level, there might be a great deal of fear (or maybe denialism) around this issue.

Just as there may be things in our individual lives that we don't like to acknowledge (such as that difficult discussion we should have), there's a difficult discussion we, as a whole, need to have.

But, we keep pushing it off.

Speaking for myself, I think that when there's something bothersome going on in my life, or there's something about me that I need to improve, I may not want to acknowledge that issue because I'll have to face it, take responsibility, and make some changes.

The thing is, no one's going to die if I don't self-reflect; yet we, as a world and nation (though I'm in Canada), allow innocents to be maimed and injured while we wait and wait...until that fateful day where the problem is too big to ignore.

(Of course, I'm not saying this is the reason why Congress is stalling on this issue. There may be other factors that I'm not aware of.)

For anyone who would like to know about the criteria that determines a bioweapon, Karen Kingston (who's been interviewed by Jeff) has a great Substack: https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-nih-code-word-for-bioweapon-is

In that article, she writes about 18 USC 175.

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My guess ... waiting till May when school lets out so universities will say their mandate is over because the semester is over and EUA is over. They don't want to change their requirements mid-semester or else it draws too much attention, and people will ask why the change and whether it was a correction or oversight on the university's part. There is a slight chance some students have not yet fulfilled the requirements just yet, due to having covid and needing to wait or not having exemption reviewed yet. By not ending the mandates now, the kids are at greater risk for being mandated to take an experimental drug multiple times because the current research shows vax injury increases with each dose.

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I believe it's because they're afraid they'll lose voters if they say the jabs are dangerous and besides aren't most of them friends with Trump. They don't want to make him mad, he endorses people, for a price.

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On Wednesday, Feb. 8 the Commerce Committee conducting a hearing with a rep from the CDC, FDA, NIH. Dawn O'Donnell from the HHS (who to me was the most important panelist) backed out at the last minute due to a death in the family but failed to provide someone to fill in for her. I guess there wasn't enough time to prepare what she was to say and not say. The panel was more of an attack on Donald Trump by the Democrats forgetting it was not Donald Trump that mandated the vaccine and he said he never would but every failure of our federal response was blamed on Trump. Saying he wanted people to drink bleach which is a flat out lie. The lies just flew back and forth between the panel and the Democrats. But not a peep about the death rate except for Walensky to say the increase in overal mortality rate and the reduction in lifespan is because of COVID and fetanyl.....another big fat lie. During the epidemic we did not have an increase in overal mortality. The HUGE increase in mortality started with the implementation of the vaccine. And the fetanyl that now floods our country (although it has been an issue for many years) has gotten hugely worse because of Biden's treasonous, impeachable act of opening our borders to anyone and everyone that wants to enter. But not a peep about repealing the laws that give pharma license to kill and disable without any penalty or accountability. Granted the hearing was about the federal response to COVID-19 but I found the entire hearing a joke. WHY hasn't the GOP filed Articles of Impeachment on Joe Biden is another question we should be asking.

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