First thing to do is toss the TV.

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Exactly... can't remember the last time I actually watched the news. Oh, yeah... it was Election Day 2020.

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I swear there is some telepathic mumbo-jumbo hypnosis coming through the television set.

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I agree. The CIA is behind what's coming through the media, both news and entertainment.

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This video explains the involvement of the three letter agencies and HOW they got away with deceiving hundreds of millions of people. The upper echelons of of government are in on the killing of its citizens.


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This might wake some people up that don't believe me when I say that your thoughts and who you vote for is being injected in everything and everyone for the internet of bodies or Homo Borg Genius. It's NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!!

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

Archive video.






American bioterrorism program


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thanks, great to hear my thoughts are being injected into everyone, get ready for the epiphany, finally we'll have a fully intelligent , human race

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the technology is so far advanced through the tv. that's why they call it programming. they were using subliminal in the 60s. those that can critically think turned off the tv many years ago.

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In 1976 my high school Sociology class discussed subliminal tv ads on depth. I have actually reminded many of my old friends of that teacher and class to point out what is happening now. The obvious was always tight under our nose.

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This might wake some people up that don't believe me when I say that your thoughts and who you vote for is being injected in everything and everyone for the internet of bodies or Homo Borg Genius. It's NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!!

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

Archive video.






American bioterrorism program


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You're right! It comes through the frequencies, and that's one of the main reasons why older sled dogs like me were told to not sit too close in front of it! Also, the blue beam in the newer sets are positioned to directly hit the pituitary gland in the center of the forehead, the "third eye". That causes brain damage and a host of other stuff.

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This might wake some people up that don't believe me when I say that your thoughts and who you vote for is being injected in everything and everyone for the internet of bodies or Homo Borg Genius. It's NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!!

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

Archive video.






American bioterrorism program


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You're right, Kathleen! It comes through the frequencies, and that's one of the main reasons why older sled dogs like me were told to not sit too close in front of it! Also, the blue beam in the newer sets are positioned to directly hit the pituitary gland in the center of the forehead, the "third eye". That causes brain damage and a host of other stuff.

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Never lived in a building with a tv...ghost in the machine disembodied voices....since I left my parents home. 21.

Raised six children, would not abide one. When they got to sit in front of one, years later when visiting others, extraordinary!! First time I ever saw them cease moving...eating...peeing...weird

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Tossed, for a few years now.

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What good does it do when the masses hear about it and shrug it off?

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When they see more and more people dropping dead around them, they'll start to question it. Our role is to keep trying to let people know the truth.

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They will blame it on "the virus" - any virus.

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Most have already been shot up, Justin; they have an early appointment with death. News one way or the other won't save them now. They cannot put the horse back in the barn after it's burned down. Besides, these deaths are a controlled burn. There's not enough people dying in three years in any one person's circle to alert them of the avalanche of corpses dropping dead all around them.

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It will be explained away by the "Covid" or "Long Covid". Those that want to persist in their "safe space", will.

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They found something that works for them, and they're not going to let it go to waste.

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They will double down every time they see those around them die.

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They may double down, but if they've also taken the snake bites, they will join them. Sadly, it's a deadly outcome for most people.

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well, what good does it do TO YOU....? imagine if we didn't, then what?

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My point is that it's not about bringing the information to the masses lacking this information. The masses have it and willfully ignore it. It's about counter-propaganda and not "information" as such. Warfare. We are in a war.

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the masses do not want to hear about it as it would shake their beliefs in everything

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why should our voice be dependent on what 'the masses' will or won't want to hear? don't understand the reasoning behind this pessimism.

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....Which is why they cannot hear it....can that change...?

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only if people will face the fact most everything they have ever learned / been told is a LIE

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Exactly. How many of us are willing to do that?

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only one might already upend the applecart.

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an Individual choice.. The red pill or the blue pill represent a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in the contented experience of ordinary reality with the blue pill.

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My sister told me yesterday her and her husband have had 4 shots each. I began to explain to her the dangers of these shots, I told her Ive researched for 3 years everything covid and the shots, Ive listened to hours upon hours of doctors testimony, sadly the answer I got after all this was, well I listen to doctors too and they say the shots are fine. I told her they're getting paid to say that. She then said she's not doing this with me.The worst part was, they're flying to Oklahoma today for a funeral of a friend who died suddenly, I told her it was from the shots. She refuses to connect the dots, its as if her brain isn't hers anymore. Some people listen to a point but then I think they get scared and back off. In BC Canada if a doctor speaks out against the jabs they can lose their jobs, business, home, 6 months in jail and be fined $200.000. There will be no doctors left here soon, it's called Bill C-36. Some days I just don't know anymore but I keep going because I have to.

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I hear you and many others are going through the same thing. Here is something you can try and do.

Ask them to have their 'Immune System' tested. This video explains how to get their attention with pinpoint accuracy with what is going wrong. 16 minutes long video.


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Good platform, it's growing. I use it too. Just4Looking channel

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Sometimes one person is all it takes to change the world, and when it comes to kids, no good deed goes unpunished. Say it, and look them in the eyes and hold it. It's may take awhile.

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A similar bill was passed in California. Physicians will go in front of the State Medical Board if straying from gov-approved narrative when treating patients. There’s resistance and legal action underway but it’s not known by too many residents of that State. And for those that are aware there’s the apathy of a acceptance.

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Thank you, for your reply, JMarie! It's the same way here in Chinadastan, (formerly known as "Canada"). They have to seal off any and all exits to prevent the "misinformation" from getting out, no matter the personal costs to innocent and salt of the earth people! It's all part of the wicked agenda; God's taking notice of all of it, and He will deal with them when they stand before His Judgment Seat in the near future.

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Hannahlehigh, I'm also a Canadian. and I know where your heart is; save your breath! Stop trying to alert those who've been shot up; it's too late for them! The lucif-erase and graphene oxide does something to their brains so they cannot be reached. It primarily targets the part of the brain where one's belief system and critical thinking skills are. Well over 80 of our Cdn doctors have died since the suicide shots came to our country, and all within a short time of each other!


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Actually over 100 have died now. I really wanted to reach my sister and warn her but alas, it is too late.

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I empathize with you; my only sister took the shots, as did my youngest daughter...even after I warned them. Their blood will not be on our hands; as good watchmen, we tried to warn them. It rests upon their shoulders now, not that knowing that makes it any easier for you or I...

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There are only 5 of us left in our family on both sides of the marriage. I told my husband the other day, we're going to be the only ones left standing.

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It surely looks that way. However, I lean upon Prov. 3: 5, 6, and let God look after the details. Really, that's all we can do at this point. Keep the faith and hold the fort!

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God doesn't want us to give up the fight, He knows we're fighting right next to Him, We will win and God help the poor souls that took the poison, when they find out whats been done to them, OMG.

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Hi Karen, I have been educating myself in multiple places, your sub stack and watching you on Brannon House, Stew Peters and reawaken America tour etc. when I woke up it was in 2014, since then I devote all of my spare time educating myself, why? To better inform others who have not awaken yet, and like you said know how to provide Proof through word of mouth and direction. I will not stop educating myself or running my mouth the truth for most it’s so hard to hear, it does not seem Real, they tend not to believe it because it’s the first they hear of it being truth. We absolutely must do more in any way possible to get the truth out. Again God bless you for all you do. 

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You have got to hear this video. It is about HOW the upper echelons of government are in on killing citizens.


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So the problem I see is that all of us that woke up to the corruption in 2016 and then again in 2019 with the coronavirus and then the shots and then the election. Their were so many theories out there . JFK Junior was alive , total social collapse food shortages vax damage children trafficked Adrenochrome harvesting Liz Croken pizza gate we were saying it then like everything was going to be unveiled immediately. Now I’m a tinfoil hat now in everybody’s eyes . I didn’t understand with the military in charge the vaccines., NWO agenda 2021 . thank God. I threaten my children with being written out of the will if they got the vaccine . My relationship of 9 years ended . Because of everything I was reading about , they see some of what’s being exposed but you’re right no one even questions what’s going on you can’t get people to read I cannot persuade people to watch the video unless it comes off the tell lie vision it’s not real to most people

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Wd don't have to write our vaccinated children out of you will. We will be burying them. Sad, but true.

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Time to stream it from your phone over the TV. :-)

I dunno... I'd ask them what they think. They probably don't have a good explanation, and then it's time to ask them what problems they have with your possible answers. Is it more plausible than what they're hearing?

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This might wake some people up that don't believe me when I say that your thoughts and who you vote for is being injected in everything and everyone for the internet of bodies or Homo Borg Genius. It's NEVER BEEN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH!!!

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

DARPA's Pursuit of Mind Control

Archive video.






American bioterrorism program



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I think we must look for the truth for the sake of Truth, and we must share it with those who want it, and we must recognize that our efforts alone can't offset the grasp that the prince of lies has on so many people. That depends on God. We were given the inspiration to see the truth, and we are obliged to be testimonial of it to other people ; we are the placebo group not only regarding the abominable injections, but also in the other fallacies and abject lies that the article mentions.

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great comment, TQ

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Billy Crone did a fantastic documentary about how all this started, who's involved, and where it's taking us. Here's the link to the info: getalifemedia.com. Look for: "Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust". Billy also tells how we can avoid their hopeful outcome! This very inexpensive 8 pt. series is worth its weight in platinum! Truly an eye-opener!

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To help understand where the battle lies, I came across a series of well researched videos on Brighteon. Com called the fall of the cabal. From memory episodes 14-17 are dedicated to Gates infiltration of WHO pharma Chemical industry, pretty much he owns controls all media, fact checkers et can immense amount of info - know your enemy

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I’ve been following Karen since she first started making an appearance. I was also following French scientist Didier Raoult in 2020, Drs. Montagnier, Yeadon, Zelenko, McCullough, Tenpenny, Merritt, attorney Reiner Fuellmich and on and on up to Dr. Malhotra…each time thinking this was the undeniable proof of this attack on humanity, the one that would set the record straight. I’ve also seen the newly awakened grow in the past 8 months, I mean, The Highwire has 6M followers, and LT of AndWeKnow gets 100K views per weekly upload. That’s more than legacy media combined on any given day. But the numbers aren’t high enough to reach masses. If you combine those numbers and where Karen fits we’re dealing with the proverbial grain of sand as far as capturing audience. She shouldn’t have to capture audience since we’re dealing with an attack on a global scale…but, as you point out, the people have been trained only to accept msm and government word. CIA/Mockingbird Media propaganda machine provides a red carpet for a population numbed by the 24/7 onslaught on their devices and forever streaming on Netflix. People are catapulted from one event to the next all while trying to carry on with daily drama, hopes, ambitions, anxiety and dinner. Mankind is in a collective, catastrophic state of mind or otherwise inadvertently apathetic.

Those of us that are awake feel both exalted and helpless. I know I do at this point, only prayer gets me through, helping others, and staying in my lane. Why hasn’t RFK Jr or Del Bigtree shifted gears and stopped the presses to feature this work as Stew Peters has? What else matters if we’re under attack? Are they doubtful. afraid of accusing the government, worried about shock and civil uprising? They have the numbers to potentially create an exponential reaction to these findings.

I agree no one’s coming to save us, it’s up to We the People, but wouldn’t an effort to “educate” on a litany of past deceptions, as you say, that “goes on and on” distract from the time-sensitive urgency in Karen’s findings? If, as she’s written, we’re in the midst of an extinction event, no education other than that message matters. The rabbit hole of truths mentioned will achieve the opposite of your intention Hunter Biden? BLM? Corrupt, yes, but an insignificant political footnote when weighed against global genocide.

I’ve read all of Karen’s published work and wonder whether it’s approachable to the average consumer of online information. It’s not, naturally, it’s analytical, dense and scientific, no headers or ease of organization for the masses of Netflix watchers…straight up her work has to be made accessible to We the People…and I have to assume her energy is taxed, steeped in providing the resources for this forum with no room for the creative processes to stop the masses in their tracks, like watching the NFL player last week, shocking, until it wasn’t. We saw how the media was ready for the inevitable, televised collapse of an athlete on US soil.

Honestly, we’re dealing with mass disillusionment and fear. Two entrenched states of psychology. I’d step back and reassess attempts to persuade government officials, interviews with alt-journalists, and even physicians for now - no disrespect to all our heroes out there - and instead form a think tank on how to break this cycle of inaction and deception with the more culturally diverse, alt-mainstream critical thinkers and high-risk informants that have cross-over audience in large numbers. There’s several that come to mind. Also, for We the People purpose, Karen’s website is a necessary tool that’s underutilized. I’ve watched it develop but it misses the target - this a design skillset - and it currently needs fresh eyes to help it leap off the screen as must-read content. Karen is poised, attractive, knows her stuff but not a brand in a branded world. Her subject warning and findings are enough if presented for mass consumption. Not just us Believers that actually pour over 15

pages of patents and charts. Don’t get me wrong, her efforts to expose the psychopaths to our once venerable leaders is God’s work, but the devil’s at the helm, so need to climb in the back window, not what used to be the front door.

This is the longest, most verbose reply I’ve ever written. Needed to do it. Thanks to anyone that’s read it. May the Lord protect Karen and extend His healing hands over humanity, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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I am so glad people like you exist and I feel more hopeful by the day reading all these eloquent comments here on substack recently .... thank you a lot !!!

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I read all comments to remind myself there’s people willing to resist and share the experience. Thanks for reading mine. God Bless.

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very valuable text. many of us go for quality rather than quantity, so TQ for posting

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Your post all made perfect sense, and we needed to hear it! Karen's excellent articles are too long, and that puts a lot of people off because they don't often have that much time to spare. If I was working, I know I wouldn't have the time.

Here's a little something for you: Billy Crone did a fantastic documentary about how all this started, who's involved, and where it's taking us, "right from the horses' mouths! Here's the link to the info: getalifemedia.com. Look for: "Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust". Billy also tells how we can avoid their hopeful outcome! This very inexpensive 8 pt. series is worth its weight in platinum! Truly an eye-opener! Maranatha!

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I will check it out, thank you!

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I am disappointed your comment has so few likes since you hit all the right notes. Is it being read top to bottom at all, and comprehended? Or is it too long for most even here? In that case, the malaise may be deeper than one may have thought.

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It’s very long! The subject has been on my mind for weeks and finally spilled out. As a former NYC producer I prayed on whether I should come out of retirement and offer voluntary expertise to help drive traffic to Karen’s site, but His answer from above was not affirmative. It made me wonder if the burden of knowing the results of Karen’s heroic work was only meant to further my trust in the Lord, and that this battle is truly his and his alone? It’s caused some internal grief and confusion for me. But then again, my late husband, a surgeon who despised the medical industry, always cautioned me about trying to save the world.

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We’re at the tipping point, no? It can go either way. If the harms and deaths become so common they can no longer be gaslighted away, the masses may figure it out and turn away from the idiot boxes long enough to find alternatives.

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By that time, it will be too late, William. Billy Crone did a fantastic documentary about how all this started, who's involved, and where it's taking us. Here's the link to the info: getalifemedia.com. Look for: "Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust". Billy also tells how we can avoid their hopeful outcome! This very inexpensive 8 pt. series is worth its weight in platinum! Truly an eye-opener!

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Thank you 👍

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tempo and rhythms about to change, also costumes, appearances about to morph, an acid trip will be had by all

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I wish I could think of just what to say in a small flyer or pamphlet, then mail a couple hundred of them anonymously to people, or place under windshield wipers in parking lots, post on bulletin boards etc. It would have to be short, concise and compelling. Something like the following in large print “They are not vaccines. You’ve been lied to”.

And then a paragraph about what is in them and why, a few stats about injuries? I don’t really know?

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Last year I found flyers and stickers to download on ChildrensHealthDefense.org website and they are still there as well as www.stopworldcontrol.com/download/. I print them out and put them everywhere whenever I go out on my errands and to the gym ;). I've also met people doing the same thing at the beach parking lot and Whole Foods store!

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Thank you!

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put up bill boards (public spaces). group effort if expensive

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How about this?

Are you as protected as you think you are?

Have your Immune System tested!

This video explains why https://newtube.app/user/MagalongAltavoz/6TB233S

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brilliant, TQ

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Frightening .

But sadly in my experience the people who should, refuse to click a link to a video ...

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To do so would land you in jail / prison, suicided, or with a huge fine for spreading "misinformation / truth"! Share this info with them instead:

Billy Crone did a fantastic documentary about how all this started, who's involved, and where it's taking us. Here's the link to the info: getalifemedia.com. Look for: "Klaus Schwab, The Third Reich & The Covid 19 Holocaust". Billy also tells how we can avoid their hopeful outcome! This very inexpensive 8 pt. series is worth its weight in platinum! Truly an eye-opener!

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Thank you

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As long as people who say they are trying to expose everything but STILL push that's there is a virus, you'll still fail.

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Really? Are people still believing it's safe and effective? The number of people NOT taking additional shots suggests to me that there's more success than you're admitting.

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Success? They're on death row...earlier than necessary, simply by taking the first two shots. Many of those people had been taking "flu" shots for a number of years. That expedites their deaths.

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Ditto, it's gone global. The vaxxx is banned in some countries, we're just not hearing it all the time in some circles due to time constraints.

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Well, I don't know about how close we are to critical mass, but my small channels are crowded with followers. over 20,000 views on just one out of five, five time that collectively. On those platforms other content creators with more viewers covering new aspects of the same issues, have many times the views I have. So millions are informed that we're in a fight for our survival of the human species that I've seen so far. Being global platforms. If you need encouragement, I have a list of free speech platforms. But I can tell you, you won't have time to see them all. So it's getting coverage. No one I spoke with in the last few months is completely blind, some are catching up fast. Carry on son, Paul Revere carried the torch all alone in the dark, look what happened, carry on, carry on.

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Nicely stated. This getting the Truth out to the World has been a difficult problem since the Wuhan meat market was blamed for covid's existance.

My own family has some zelot believers in the Narrative in spite of my continuous loving attempts to educate. Seems the Western Worlds majority are MSM followers and will not consider contrasting ideas.

We will need to succeed somehow with a fraction of The People!

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quality over quantity!

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Be the head and not the tail. Sitting in our physician's office for a check-up a couple months ago, I went armed with a printout. "From March 2020 to March 2021, 769 athletes died or suffered cardiac arrest." Coincidence, I asked? Not just numbers, they were healthy, young people in the prime of their lives in top physical condition.

Either too polite or caught off-guard, kudos to our physician who kept her composure with a smile plastered across her face. There was also an intern present so I got a two-for-one.

"We care about you and we're interested in your good health", the doc said, still smiling.

We care about you, I concluded. We're older and wiser. Don't take any more shots or boosters. Please.

They both exited the exam room and sent an assistant instead to see us off.

We, all of us, know someone who died or was injured from the shots. With modern technology at our fingertips, the best communication is still word of mouth. And that communication is making progress. Every one of us has a point where we draw the line and say no more.

God bless you Karen Kingston and all of God's army.

"And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail." Deuteronomy 28:13

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I love your approach.

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We literally need to hold hostage the TV stations. They're not doing anything legal, why should we.

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