The deep state's worst nightmare would be to eliminate Trump, Kennedy, and every other civil "leader" who's sworn allegiance to the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land and then replace with them biblically qualified men of God adjudicating according to God's moral law.

Today's deep state (impossible under a biblical government expressly established upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law) is but 1 of the 100s or 1,000s of consequences of the whirlwind America's reaping thanks to the wind sown by the constitutional framers when they replaced the Bible's moral law with their own capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution):

"[B]ecause they have ... trespassed against my law ... they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind...." (Hosea 8:1, 7)

Today's America is reaping the inevitable ever-intensifying whirlwind resulting from the wind sown by the constitutional framers and fanned by today's hoodwinked Christians and patriots who have been bamboozled into believing today's whirlwind can be dissipated by appealing to the wind responsible for spawning the whirlwind.

For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, see free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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Unfortunately, if people can't see the circus that this world truly is and that all the tv and media (think about the words used like, "broadcasting and programming") are totally corrupted and program us and spell cast over us, there is nothing that will stop tptb like the wef. If you will give this video 20 minutes of your time (I'd say the whole video should open your eyes better) and you can't see the folly of delusion this world truly is, then there is nothing (unless Jesus Christ pulls you out) that will wake you up. If you can watch this and not start questioning EVERYTHING about all narratives given us esp our history, then you are truly drawn up into strong delusion that the BOR predicts for the end times. God bless! I believe they are trying to hide who we really are. My next logical question is: WHY???


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