“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim”.

Gustave Le Bon

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Not until we remove big and dark money. And barriers accessing the ballot. Without those two prerequisites, I see no path to restoring the republic. Fuck RFK. It’s much bigger than that. You made so much sense until you brought that stupid shit up.

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Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison all agreed that the Constitution could never survive the advent of "factions" (i.e., political parties). However, history records the emergence of the nascent parties by the time of Jefferson's second term.

What is needed at present is a parliamentarian system with proportional (not geographical) representation. What we have instead is this obscenity, mandated by a winner-take-all (except in Nebraska and Maine) Electoral College. If the smaller parties could gain some seats in parliament, and if neither of the major parties could garner 50% of the popular vote (a mark Trump has failed to achieve twice and will surely miss this year), a "major" would be forced into a coalition with one or more "minors."

Of course, such a system would also bring more people to the polls. However, the "powers-that-be" (particularly ReThuglicans) want the exact opposite result. That is why Election Day is on a Tuesday (work day), rather than on a weekend. It is also why various ReThuglican states are making it nearly impossible to depend on mail-in ballots, and also why they engage in voter suppression and "purges" of the voter registration lists.

More to the point, though, we are now trapped in a political quagmire in which change is effectively impossible; where a 40-odd senators can overpower the will of the people; where elections and politicians are bought and sold (thanks to the Extreme Court rulings); and from which we have no hope of escape. Thus, we MUST vote the lesser of evils, and in this case, it is Harris, since she is the only one who has a chance to defeat Trump.

Perhaps we shall see some real change in future. It will not occur in 2024. You ask, "When are all those Third Parties and Independents going to form a coalition party to take on the Republicrats?" I shall ask in turn, when are they going to appraise the dangers of a Trump dictatorship soberly and form a coalition party with the Democrats?

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IT WOULDN'T MATTER WHETHER IF IT'S TWO, THREE, OR A DOZEN Parties. As long as they run under the "flag" of the biblically egregious Constitutional Republic and the biblically seditious Constitution, we'd be scammed into believing that if we only elected the lesser of two or more evils, America might be saved from the precipice the Constitution is responsible for sending her to.

The problem is not the number of Parties but the Constitution they represent and would continue to swear allegiance to.

There is no hope for saving America from her suicidal trek to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction until Christians and patriots become courageous enough to address the need to dump the entire system and the build a righteous government upon the eventual, inevitable, ruins of the Constitutional Republic - inevitable, if you believe Christ in Matthew 7:26-27 & 12:25.

For evidence that Constitution is biblically seditious and the genesis for America's trip to the precipice, see free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective," in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."

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