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Presidential debates are but more evidence of the foolishness of the Constitutional Republic's presidential elections that are for the purpose of comparing two fickle finite candidates against each other:

"[T]they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." (2 Corinthians 10:12)

The only thing that potential civil leaders should be measured by is the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral of law, especially its mandatory biblical qualifications.

But then that's impossible under America's current ungodly government and the biblically seditious Constitution that created it. Article 6's Christian test ban made the Bible's biblical qualifications illegal.

For more regarding Article 6's Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 "Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

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