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The Real Cost of Gas: RFK Jr. Exposes Hidden Subsidies and Environmental Impact

RFK Jr. isn't advocating for $12 gas at the pump—he's exposing the hidden costs that we all pay in one way or another.

In a recent episode of The Jeff Dornik Show with special guest Anna Matson from Kennedy Debunked, I tackled the critical issue of corporate capture of our government, focusing particularly on the oil industry. This discussion was sparked by a misleading accusation that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. advocates for $12 gas at the pump—a claim that, when examined in context, reveals a much deeper and more insidious reality.

RFK Jr. has been mischaracterized by many as promoting exorbitant gas prices. However, a thorough examination of his statements shows that what he's actually highlighting is the hidden cost of gasoline. We're not seeing $12 per gallon at the pump, but we're certainly paying it. This hidden cost comes in the form of subsidies to oil companies, healthcare costs from environmental damage, and economic damages from pollution and climate impacts.

RFK Jr. makes a compelling argument that if we were to face the true cost of gasoline directly at the pump, it would drive innovation. Higher visible prices would push for the development of alternatives like electric vehicles and cleaner, more efficient methods of manufacturing gasoline. This would ultimately foster true free-market capitalism, spurring advancements and reducing our reliance on government subsidies and corporate welfare.

The core issue here is the corporate capture of our federal government by big oil companies. These corporations receive massive subsidies directly from the government, creating a deceptive pricing structure. We think we're only paying $6 a gallon in places like California, but the reality is that the remaining cost is hidden in our taxes and healthcare expenses.

This manipulation allows big oil to maintain their grip on the market without any incentive to innovate or reduce their environmental impact. The result is a stifling of progress and an artificial suppression of alternative energy sources that could otherwise thrive in a truly competitive market.

What baffles me is why many conservatives, who typically champion free-market principles, turn a blind eye to this issue when it involves their preferred industries like oil and gas. The inconsistency is striking. Conservatives should be the first to call out government interference and corporate welfare, yet when it comes to big oil, there seems to be a reluctance to apply the same scrutiny.

RFK Jr.'s point should resonate with true conservative values. The idea is to eliminate government handouts and let the market determine the most efficient and innovative solutions. By ignoring this manipulation, conservatives are inadvertently supporting a system that contradicts the very principles they claim to uphold.

It's time to address the corporate capture of our government and the hidden costs we bear because of it. Transparency is crucial. We must demand that the true costs of gasoline and other subsidized industries be made visible to the public. This will not only foster innovation but also align with the principles of free-market capitalism.

Conservatives need to wake up and realize that supporting big oil's manipulation undermines their own values. By calling for an end to these subsidies and pushing for a market-driven approach, we can drive real progress and environmental responsibility.

RFK Jr. isn't advocating for $12 gas at the pump—he's exposing the hidden costs that we all pay in one way or another. It's time to break free from corporate capture, embrace transparency, and let true free-market principles guide our path forward. This is not just about gas prices; it's about reclaiming our government from corporate interests and fostering a future of innovation and sustainability.

If you’d like to Declare Your Independence from both political parties and support a truly independent candidate in Robert F Kennedy Jr for President, consider donating to his campaign.

Watch the full episode of The Jeff Dornik Show with Anna Matson:

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The Jeff Dornik Show
The Jeff Dornik Show is a daily live show featuring a blend of interviews and breaking news, hosted by Jeff Dornik. There are five main priorities discussed on this show, which are exposing election fraud, COVID-19 and the danger of the vaccines, our constitutional rights being stripped away, an America First agenda and rooting out the RINOs from the Republican Party.