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RFK Jr. vs. Trump: Who Can Truly Dismantle the Deep State and Corporate Influence?

During my recent interview on The Sam Sorbo Show, I made it clear why I've decided to endorse over Donald Trump for President.

During my recent episode of The Jeff Dornik Show, I aired an interview I had with

on her PatriotTV show, The Sam Sorbo Show. The conversation was raw, real, and, as expected, highly controversial.

First off, I made it clear why I've decided to endorse

over Donald Trump for President. I’ve been a staunch Trump supporter since 2012, but RFK Jr. offers something Trump hasn’t delivered—a genuine plan to dismantle the deep state and corporate capture of our government. Trump's tenure, despite some successes, fell short in addressing these root issues. RFK Jr. understands the depth of corruption within our intelligence agencies and has the personal history and resolve to tackle it head-on. His family’s history with the CIA and the assassinations of his uncle and father give him a unique perspective that I believe makes him the right man for the job.

We delved deeply into the fundamental issue of corporate capture, a topic RFK Jr. speaks about at every public event. The influence of big corporations over our federal agencies, mainstream media, and political parties is the core problem that’s driving all the symptoms we see today—from the handling of COVID-19 by Big Pharma to the biased regulation by agencies like the FDA and EPA. Unlike Trump, RFK Jr. isn't just aware of the problem; he has a clear strategy to separate corporate interests from government operations.

I initially endorsed Kennedy when he was running as a Democrat and Trump when he was running for a Republican. Both Trump and Kennedy are solid on getting out of forever wars and maintaining an America First foreign policy. They are also strong on illegal immigration and election fraud. However, the two issues that tipped the scales for me are dealing with the intelligence agencies and the corporate capture of our federal government. RFK Jr. not only knows the problem but also understands how to solve it.

During our conversation, I shared how I’ve always done my best to hold to my core principles, focusing on fixing the root issues rather than just addressing the symptoms, which most politicians tend to do. When it comes to election fraud, both Kennedy and Trump have solid solutions, but Kennedy's approach to the deep state and corporate capture is more comprehensive.

The intelligence agencies' involvement in the assassination of RFK Jr.'s uncle and father, and their role in Nixon’s Watergate, give him a unique understanding and determination to address these issues. The corporate capture of our federal government, mainstream media, and political parties is the single most important issue we need to fix if we want to save our country. It’s not just about Big Pharma and COVID-19; it’s every regulating agency and politician being influenced by big corporations.

We saw this with COVID when it comes to Big Pharma, but it's not just dealing with the CDC and the FDA. It's every single regulating agency, every politician. The entire federal government structure is dealing with the corporate capture of basically every single agency. If we want to fix these issues, we must separate corporate interests from our government operations.

RFK Jr. talks about this at every public event. Whether he's on Joe Rogan’s show, Bill Maher’s show, Russell Brand’s show, or any other long-form podcast, he's addressing the core issue of corporate capture. I even discussed this with his son, Bobby Kennedy III, on my show, and we fine-tuned my five core principles, agreeing that all these issues stem from corporate capture.

Lastly, we talked about my latest venture, Pickax, a constitutionally protected free speech social content platform. Unlike Twitter (or X), Pickax promises true freedom of speech without shadow bans or censorship, offering unparalleled monetization opportunities for content creators. Elon Musk's platform claims freedom of speech but practices "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach," which means they can still suppress voices they don't like. Musk is leveraging user data to fuel his AI projects while reaping all the financial benefits. Pickax aims to put power back in the hands of the content creators.

The interview with Sam Sorbo was eye-opening and reinforced why I believe RFK Jr. is the right candidate for President. It's time we address the root causes of America's problems and support leaders who aren't afraid to confront them head-on. Join me in backing RFK Jr. and be part of the change we desperately need.

If you’d like to Declare Your Independence from both political parties and support a truly independent candidate in Robert F Kennedy Jr for President, consider donating to his campaign, grab some merch and setup your profile on the campaign website.


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Jeff Dornik's Freedom Files
The Jeff Dornik Show
The Jeff Dornik Show is a daily live show featuring a blend of interviews and breaking news, hosted by Jeff Dornik. There are five main priorities discussed on this show, which are exposing election fraud, COVID-19 and the danger of the vaccines, our constitutional rights being stripped away, an America First agenda and rooting out the RINOs from the Republican Party.