The Deeply Abusive Theological Argument the Woke Mob Makes to Push Transgenderism
It all comes down to the very existence of God.
One of the things that I’ve consistently been saying for years is that the Democrat Party’s platform is about as anti-God as you can possibly get. It’s almost as if they read the Bible, saw how God says to live your life and then made their stated platform the exact opposite.
God says to value life, the Dems want to murder babies in the womb. God says sex is to be reserved only for a husband and wife within the confines of marriage, while the Left pushes promiscuity and homosexuality. God says husbands are to lead their families, while the woke mob calls that toxic masculinity.
It’s clear that they hate God, the Bible and Christianity. They also hate you, as an individual created in the image of God.
Many have been shocked at how much the Woke Mob is pushing transgenderism, when the data shows that an extremely small minority actually struggle with gender dysmorphia. The reality is that they see this as an opportunity to make one of two theological arguments.
The first is that God doesn’t exist. Obviously, they are denying the reality of God. However, often times they’ll accuse Christians of holding true to a fairy tale found in The Bible. They’ll say that God doesn’t exist, so how can we hold people to a standard if there’s no Creator of that standard.
This is also the same strategy that they use to invalidate the United States Constitution. They’ll argue that God doesn’t exist, thus you weren’t given rights by God, thus the government CAN take them away from you. Essentially, you don’t have inalienable rights because God doesn’t exist.
The other theological argument is almost more sinister than even denying that God exists.
This argument will often times come up if they can’t deny the existence of God. They’ll make God out to be the villain. What am I referring to?
What they are reinforcing to young boys and girls is that if they feel more masculine or feminine than their biological gender, then clearly God made a mistake. But no worries! We’ve got the solution! We can fix God’s mistake by giving you puberty blockers, acknowledge your “rightful” gender and even surgically make you look like how you feel. Again, God screwed up, but WE can fix it.
Do you see how messed up that is? Not only are you making God out to be the villain, but you are telling little boys and girls that God screwed up when he created them.
This flies directly in the face of what the Bible clearly teaches. Psalm 139:14 states, “I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
That’s what we should be teaching our children: You are wonderfully made by our Creator. You have value because He created you in His own image. Because of that, you have certain inalienable rights that cannot be taken away by the government.
You see, all of this comes down to power for the Left. Everything they do pokes away at either the existence of God, the morality of God or the value of human life. The end result is always the same… take away our freedom and centralize power.
This is key to Satan establishing his one world government predicted in the Book of Revelation. Transgenderism is one piece of that strategy.