Welcome to being a Prepper! We have been preppers since Obama got selected! When they installed Biden, we stepped up our game to our vehicles! We can live off grid in our 2 Bronco's and be totally self sufficient with a bedroom (King sized bed), complete kitchen with refrigerator and freezer, toilet and changing room, pantry, extra fuel,…
Welcome to being a Prepper! We have been preppers since Obama got selected! When they installed Biden, we stepped up our game to our vehicles! We can live off grid in our 2 Bronco's and be totally self sufficient with a bedroom (King sized bed), complete kitchen with refrigerator and freezer, toilet and changing room, pantry, extra fuel, gear, tools, awning for shade, and so much more! We made ourselves mobile if we need to get out. We also have enough back up power to last a very long time, if we have sunshine. I am in need of nothing, except lately I have been replacing equipment with better, more efficient equipment, plus our vacays are very cheap, fuel. Everyone should have a 6 month to 1 year supply of storable food, you never know when job loss, bad weather, or your government will hit. Always better to be prepared then get caught off guard.
Welcome to being a Prepper! We have been preppers since Obama got selected! When they installed Biden, we stepped up our game to our vehicles! We can live off grid in our 2 Bronco's and be totally self sufficient with a bedroom (King sized bed), complete kitchen with refrigerator and freezer, toilet and changing room, pantry, extra fuel, gear, tools, awning for shade, and so much more! We made ourselves mobile if we need to get out. We also have enough back up power to last a very long time, if we have sunshine. I am in need of nothing, except lately I have been replacing equipment with better, more efficient equipment, plus our vacays are very cheap, fuel. Everyone should have a 6 month to 1 year supply of storable food, you never know when job loss, bad weather, or your government will hit. Always better to be prepared then get caught off guard.