I want the idiots to stop forcing us to believe them. That grooming children is right. That allowing streams of illegals through the borders is love. (Look at how tight the borders are to get into Canada!)

That BLM and CRT are good for kids. 😱. The difference in sharing what we believe and they believe is that we offer a choice. They remove the choice.

“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.””

‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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You know what scripture says about being lukewarm. That’s what this amounts to. You don’t compromise principles or integrity in the sake of fair play. Satan is the God of this world and now we are being told to play by his rule book. Hmmm. As in the days of Noah. How about if

”Christian’s” actually started living like Christian’s. That would be a great start. Compromising on things where there is no room to compromise is not the short term or long term answer.

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This isn't a compromise... this is understanding the different roles of government vs the church. The church's responsibility is the preach the Gospel and the morality found in God's Word. That is not the role of the government. That role is delegated to protecting the freedoms found in the Constitution.

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We have taken “freedoms” past what our forefathers envisioned. I’m not saying it’s the governments job to preach the gospel but our government has exceeded the framework of it’s Judeo Christian roots. That becomes a very slippery slope that has ushered in gay marriage pushed this transgender agenda and politicized the education of our children favoring indoctrination over education.

All of these things are occurring because the government has lost its way and then it departed from its initial framework.

So yes our christian leaders and churches need to take a formal stand on many of these issues instead in caving to wokeness under the mistaken assumption that it is compassionate to foster evil.

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Correct, we must get the government out of promoting these woke ideals. That is definitely a must. But we cannot overcompensate the opposite direction either.

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