I think a good opinion on world affairs is Doug McGregor

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Wrong. The Jesuits founded the deep state. Columbus was Jesuit and the first deep state demon that I know of in the Americas.

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Columbus? Can you say more about this?

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CC was an avowed Catholic and visited cardinals and the pope at the Vatican. Jews financed his voyages. The brutal character of CC’s in the Americas and his obsessive gold grabbing(cutting off hands of people who didn’t bring him enough) align with Jesuit principles. His second voyage he captured 400 native people to sell into slavery in Europe. 100 died going east and there bodies were thrown into the Atlantic.

Jews and Jesuits are different in name but share similar methods of secrecy, brutality, and strict obedience to authority. Jesuits are absolutely obedient to authority.

When talking about Jesuits, Jews, Nazis, Illuminati, Freemasons the core of their dark dangerous methods is made of the same substance. Their bonehead rituals might differ at the lower tiers, but high up they bow down to Lucifer. They believe they only live because of their knowledge and their networks with other like minded people. The master firmly believes he knows what is best for the slave. With knowledge we bend nature to our will. In our current era, the control matrix is stronger than any other era. The web of control is also being shredded by the real people sharing real stories on the internet.

I can say more, but I grow tired. God bless you and honor the laws of nature.


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