Call it what you want, the visions to a layman are awful. In some States, it is legal to abort a child (miracle) within up to 30 days after birth. Whack it in the head with a hammer and crush its skull. Or, at anytime during the 9 months, use alligator tongs and tear it out of the womb one limb at a time. The thought of either is enough to bring this 6’2” 325 lb. man to his knees with a tear in his eye.

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That said - abortion is not always an act of violence. In fact, sometimes it delivers a live baby, and I'm not talking about those that survive a botched attempt to murder them.

The battle against this atrocity begins with identifying it correctly. By calling it "abortion," we've already acquiesced to the opposition's terminology. Look up "abortion" and "miscarriage" in any dictionary. A miscarriage is an abortion. In fact, term babies qualify as abortions. Why? Because they were aborted from their mothers' wombs by natural means, as God designed.

What doctors (and parents) do to infants in the womb is in utero infanticide. Had Roe v. Wade been waged over infanticide rather than abortion, it would have never made it to the court room. In fact, by employing the word "abortion," Roe v. Wade was won before it ever got to court.

The Greek word "brephos" employed in the New Testament for infants already born is the same word used for infants in the womb (Luke 2:12 and Luke 1:41), without specifying the precise moment they became a "brephos." Therefore, our only option is to then accept that they became such at conception. Thus, intentionally killing a brephos at any point is "brephocide" or, more properly, infanticide.

The same is true for one of the Hebrew words translated "child."

The point being, we Christians need to stop using the non-Christians' watered-down, politically correct terms such as "abortion" and "gay." It's infanticide and sodomy. There is no power in the former terms against evil and our first mistake is in acquiescing to the ungodly's terminology.

Listen to Part 1 of "Word Wars & Captive Thoughts" at http://www.missiontoisrael.org /tapelist.php#T849

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