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Yes I am in socal. Luckily in a conservative bubble down here. It’s interesting what the powers that be do to those that try to get out from under their thumb. Just look at trump, Michael Jackson, prince, Kanye west, Britney Spears… even Elvis. Some of them tried exposing the secret societies, others just wanted out.

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Wow, I didn’t know that about Elvis too. Actually, I had no idea about all of this elite/secret society-ruling-the-world stuff till Covid came along. I can’t believe all the stuff I’ve learned the last few years. I feel really dumb & ignorant before! Ha ha. Yet, I have to say it’s been pretty depressing thinking that people I don’t even know are trying to kill me & others! 😞 My ignorance was bliss for sure. So, that’s nice you’re in a bubble with like minds. Do you mind my asking what city/county in So Cal that you’re in? I’m actually in north Orange County right by the cities of Brea & Fullerton (in La Habra). Sadly, lots of people are clueless by me & love to wear masks. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Pretty sure nearly everyone by me is jabbed up too! Anyway, thx for all you do, I was trying to remember what was one of the first videos of yours I saw (prob back in 2020 or 2021)...I’m still trying to remember. 😂 Did you ever interview Dr Carrie Medaj? I don’t remember, I’ll try to look back in my emails & open safari pages. 😂 But I recall it was a very good & enlightening video, so keep spreading the truth & trying to educate people in these bad times! & God bless! 😊

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