Feel free to give the immune-destroying entity whatever name you want. What we do know is that countries like Japan, specifically Okinawa, are experiencing a 50% increase in aids.
Feel free to give the immune-destroying entity whatever name you want. What we do know is that countries like Japan, specifically Okinawa, are experiencing a 50% increase in aids.
They didn’t find these things themselves, they are repeating some very false propaganda narratives like Sars exists, and mix these with some ok narratives and put them in Table 1 and 2 with some references.
👉This study is making guess work inferences, some from abject disproven statements, they are not making any original findings of what is causing deadly blood donations.
At the top they are already spouting BS:
“The spike protein, which is the antigen of SARS-CoV-2”
👉 No Sars has ever been found, so there is Sars spike antigen:
Feel free to give the immune-destroying entity whatever name you want. What we do know is that countries like Japan, specifically Okinawa, are experiencing a 50% increase in aids.
Did you read the paper? It’s here:
They didn’t find these things themselves, they are repeating some very false propaganda narratives like Sars exists, and mix these with some ok narratives and put them in Table 1 and 2 with some references.
👉This study is making guess work inferences, some from abject disproven statements, they are not making any original findings of what is causing deadly blood donations.
At the top they are already spouting BS:
“The spike protein, which is the antigen of SARS-CoV-2”
👉 No Sars has ever been found, so there is Sars spike antigen:
1. Spike Protein Contamination: COVID-19 jabs..
👉This is not correct, I showed you the FOIA above.
4. Lingering Lipid Nanoparticles and Pseudouridinated mRNA: The mRNA nanotechnology injections…
👉I sent you my post analyzing papers touting finding of mRNA in shots but they did not.
6. Memory B Cells Generating IgG4:
👉Immune cell epitopes are not specific, so this doesn’t make sense Here: https://www.nature.com/articles/nri3279
Deaths in Japan FYI
What number and reference do you have for “AIDS” in Okinawa? How was AIDS diagnosed?