"...So why can’t our side even acknowledge this simple fact that the covid “vaccines” are actually bioweapon injections?..."
Because the US military procurement letter called it a countermeasure; implying the wild version was the weapon, when it was no such thing, as it was 99.9% survivable. So the language chosen by the perps is part of the psy-op.
There is no winning the culture war without Christians and patriots recognizing and addressing the stark difference between America and the United States of America.
That's right - America and the United States of America (aka the Constitutional Republic) are NOT the same thing! Not even close.
In fact, early 1600's Puritan America whose governments of, by, and for God were established upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law was sacrificed on the altar of the late 1700s Enlightenment United States of America whose humanistic government of, by, and for the people was established upon capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution).
The latter is also known as the Grand Experiment in Self Government. Self-government!?! Gee, what could go wrong? Everything, just open your eyes and look around you. Everything gone wrong in America nationally is the consequence of this monumental case of biblical sedition committed by the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists.
Thus, ours is not to save the United States of America but, Lord willing, to restore America.
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."
We aren't winning because for the vast majority of people sitting on their phones or computers venting out their thoughts on social media makes them feel they are doing their part. Non-compliance, personally talking with everyone they know including strangers, calling/writing local, state, and federal authorities and representatives, boycotting companies that promote and enable the problems we are seeing, taking a stand as a private employer or public agency to not coerce or mandate nonsensical rules, moving toward more self-reliance, and showing up at peaceful protests/marches would be a start.
"...So why can’t our side even acknowledge this simple fact that the covid “vaccines” are actually bioweapon injections?..."
Because the US military procurement letter called it a countermeasure; implying the wild version was the weapon, when it was no such thing, as it was 99.9% survivable. So the language chosen by the perps is part of the psy-op.
There is no winning the culture war without Christians and patriots recognizing and addressing the stark difference between America and the United States of America.
That's right - America and the United States of America (aka the Constitutional Republic) are NOT the same thing! Not even close.
In fact, early 1600's Puritan America whose governments of, by, and for God were established upon the Bible's immutable/unchanging moral law was sacrificed on the altar of the late 1700s Enlightenment United States of America whose humanistic government of, by, and for the people was established upon capricious man-made traditions (aka the biblically seditious Constitution).
The latter is also known as the Grand Experiment in Self Government. Self-government!?! Gee, what could go wrong? Everything, just open your eyes and look around you. Everything gone wrong in America nationally is the consequence of this monumental case of biblical sedition committed by the 1787 cadre of Enlightenment and Masonic theistic rationalists.
Thus, ours is not to save the United States of America but, Lord willing, to restore America.
For more regarding these two polar opposite forms of government, see Chapter 3 "The Preamble: We the People vs. Yahweh" of free online book "Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective" at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.org/BlvcOnline/biblelaw-constitutionalism-pt3.html
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page "Primer" of "BL vs. USC."
We aren't winning because for the vast majority of people sitting on their phones or computers venting out their thoughts on social media makes them feel they are doing their part. Non-compliance, personally talking with everyone they know including strangers, calling/writing local, state, and federal authorities and representatives, boycotting companies that promote and enable the problems we are seeing, taking a stand as a private employer or public agency to not coerce or mandate nonsensical rules, moving toward more self-reliance, and showing up at peaceful protests/marches would be a start.
Have you seen this. That's why it's not an easy win: