Growing up in the 60's & 70's the only HOLOCAUST we were aware of was the fire bombing of Dresden Germany and Japan(my father fought in the pacific, he and my uncles never talked about any jewish holocaust). This whole meme began developing in the middle 70's. We know we lived through that era. This is jewish propaganda plain and simple. Further, the published biography of Eisenhower, Charle degaulle, and Winston Churchill (which were volumes) of their experience of WWll had not one sentence on a jewish holocaust. The jewish bolsheviks in Russia pushed this narrative to cover there crimes. Its jewish psychological warfare on the white race. So enough of the nazi this nazi that do the work to understand your history. Did Hitler kill 60,000,000 of his people? NO! stalin did! Have you read any of Alexander Solzhenitsyn work? Hitler was an anti communist. He saw what the Bolsheviks did in Russia. That is why he went into government in the first place. It was very, very difficult for me to accept the truths of history because it has been relentlessly drilled in my head about the good war! Have you read the Patton papers? Gen Patton said we fought the wrong enemy (they killed him because he knew the truth and as he relayed in his letters to his wife was going to expose the traitors). What about Gen MacArthur (my father was under his command) he wanted to take out the communist in China. WHO STOPPED PATTON & MACARTHUR? WHO WON WW ll? WHO HELD GEN PATTON BACK FROM TAKING THE EASTERN BLOCK COUNTRIES? WHO WERE THE architects OF THE BOLSHEVIKS REVOLUTION IN RUSSIA? WHO BUTCHERED THE TZAR AND HIS FAMILY IN A SATANIC MANNER? What about the the holocaust narrative. Germany did not start WW ll. Churchill and his handlers DID! There is not one shred of evidence in the thousands of documents that Hitler or his staff ordered the gassing of anybody! At the nuremberg trials they used torture and by crushing there balls to get created confessions. The holocaust & being called anti-Semite has been used to shut us down! The ones calling us anti-Semites are the edomites/canaanites, khazars. If we are to move forward we must understand our past. This country has been under the control of the Pharisees since 1913. We have shed blood and treasure for their objective to take over the world through their banking cartel and they have succeeded. THE COMMUNIST WON



My People perish for lack of knowledge.

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you are over the target. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vkGW5tMimMl4/ AMY GOODMAN (Democracy Now) SHULAMIT ALONI

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( ‘Nazi’ is a Jewish term fabricated by jewish american konrad heiden as WWII war propaganda, derived from ashkenazi jew. language; Yiddish)

You are totally ignorant about world history. Don't rely on your formal education or the programing

you received from media. World War 1, 2 are not what we have been taught. The civil war or the war of Independence. THINK! Do you really believe we beat the most powerfull Navel Armada in the world in 1776? HMS Victory 104 Gun Warship of the first line launched in 1765 could level a town. They later beat France and Spain at Trafalgar in the Neopolianic Wars. We live in a world of LIES! Adof Hitler was the biggest threat to the established Banking Cartel in at least the last two to three hundred years. His Government created the first currency system based on human labor. It put economic power back in the hands of the common man. THIS WAS HIS GREATES SIN!

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you are over the target. https://www.bitchute.com/video/vkGW5tMimMl4/ AMY GOODMAN (Democracy Now) SHULAMIT ALONI

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Well if you and Karen think the seminar to occur in Georgia is headed in the wrong direction, why don’t you all speak with the coordinator of the event. By what you said you all are just going to sit back and let it ride. You two have a platform and connections that folks like me don’t have. Use your platform. Remember what Mordecai said to Esther... “who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

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Regarding your inaccurate statements about ww2, you are talking about something in history that is unsubstantiated. Here's a comment from an israeli jew admitting it's a trick, they always use it . . . . .

https://www.bitchute.com/video/vkGW5tMimMl4/ AMY GOODMAN SHULAMIT ALONI

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Seems to be a division in the truth movement over this. Both sides are right. Obviously big pharm couldn't mandate diddly squat or choose not to go undergo the proper testing and protocols if some greater entity did not allow them to. Knock it off with the circular firing squad. For he that is not against us is for us.

I'd be more concerned about WWIII coming from the idiots in the Biden administration blowing up the Nordstream pipeline. Just my two cents...

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But if it is a government, DoD plot, then targeting big pharma rather than government would ignoring the source.

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Don’t forget the mega funders-investors behind the jab!!!

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