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Jeff Dornik asks:

"How Do We Stop the CIA From Brainwashing Everybody?"


Here my comment originally posted today on "Georgie & Donny" - answering their question:

"Can’t we have an apolitical discussion somewhere please?"

BUT as my answer "fits" your fundamental question also - so HERE I post it again - for YOU & YOUR readers without any change.


Georgie & Donny ask:

"Can’t we have an apolitical discussion somewhere please?"


Yes please!

The discussion goes apolitical the very moment you realize - man is of SPIRITUAL nature - and can live with or without a (material) body.




The Buddhists have known it for 2500 years. JESUS from NAZARETH knew it also, but THIS teaching of western "We he People" was CENSORED in 325 AD from the Bible at the Council of Nicaea.


L. Ron Hubbard discovered the technology to teach "We The People" on the KNOW HOW of going "exterior" (leaving the body with full perception) - but the CIA in 1972 at Stanford Research Institute decided to keep this a MILITARY SECRET - and thus to DESTROY the Church of Scientology by COVERT subversion.


So "We The People" in the western hemisphere have been LIED to all along from our Governments - that pretend being "democratic" - but DECIDE EVERYTHING IMPORTANT IN TOTAL SECRECY & WITHOUT ASKING OR INFORMING "We The People"!


So we are hypnotized & brainwashed into believing there is NO God, there is NO survival of death, there is NO "Past Life", there will be NO future life . . .


And by this CANCEL-CULTURE" we are dumbed down into believing "WE ARE OUR BODY'S"


THAT is the perfect recipe for eternal SLAVERY.


So let us have a look at our SLAVE-MASTERS - they are HOLLYWOOD-trained in creating illusions, in brainwashing, in hypnosis & drugs - so while we live in a mental PRISON, we feel free . . .


That is a perfect trap!


"We The People" who have had a "Near Death Experience" - they are in the KNOW - that things are different! THAT IS WHY THIS IS ISSUE IS TABOOOOOO!


Once you realize - me & you & everybody else has lived BEFORE, and will live AFTER the death of the body - those immediately calm down on life, become humble & refrain from MURDER, MASS MURDER, SERIAL-KILLING & WAR, which immediately breaks down the Government KONTROLLE (as in MIND KONTROLLE in "MK-ULTRA" - the offspring of "Operation Paperclip" - as the NAZI-foundation of the American MAFIA, called the CIA!)


So after being fully liberated of American MIND-KONTROLLE - any student of the origin of PSYCHIOSIS - will finally comprehend, that already at birth, any human in any group, any race, any nation, any family & in any religion might carry a STEALTH Psychosis from some earlier lifetime, which breaks open into daylight with seemingly NO reason or explanation . . .


If you are a worker from "We The People" - you get your trial & end up in Jail - for homicide . . .


If you are born a Rothschild, a Rockefeller, a Bush, an Obama, a Soros, a Schwab, a Nuland, a Biden, a Gates or a Fauci - you may be the most intelligent SERIAL-KILLER - but "We The People" will be flabbergasted, HOW THE AMERICAN MEDIA WILL "SELL" YOUR ATROCITIES AS "PHILANTHROPY" AND HONOR YOUR CRIMES WITH A "NOBEL PRICE"!


But Georgie & Donny were asking:

"Can’t we have an apolitical discussion somewhere please?"




But FIRST we will have to stop CORRUPTION.

We will have to stop treating BLACKS other than WHITES.

We will have to stop treating Government-CRIMINALS other than Street-CRIMINALS.

We will have to stop treating the super-rich academical CRIMINALS from fancy families other than the poor & uneducated CRIMINALS - as in REALITY - the super-rich academical CRIMINALS from fancy families & fancy Universities commit the REAL CRIMES of BIO-TERROR, of GENOCIDE & of CORRUPTING the entire life on our planet & of ENSLAVING HUMANITY FOR PROFIT.


REAL Psychopaths make up only about 2% to 3% of the world's population - and they may appear in ANY group or ANY place - but they have managed in the past, to conquer the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA & the WHO & the UNITED NATIONS & NATO & a lot of STEALTH power centers like the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ("WEF") & their current goal is STEALTH DEPOPULATION but that is illegal & that is why they call it a "pandemic" & "climate change" & that is why they are LYING 24/7 . . .


So to come back to Georgie's & Donny's question:

"Can’t we have an apolitical discussion somewhere please?"


Yes, we can!

"We The People" have to LEARN - how to identify - ANY PSYCHOPATH ANYWHERE.


JESUS from NAZARETH was the FIRST western teacher on this most important of all topics!



Currently we do NOT know our real PSYCHOPATHS - because we MIS-judge them - as we judge their WORDS only!.


Let us all LEARN to judge each & every human being by their "FRUITS" only!

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