Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jeff Dornik

YES JEFF! We must stand United and strong! Jesus is the only way, The truth and the life no man comes to the father except through him! STAND FIRM.

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Question. How long will your supplies last when your neighbors need your help? I’m a Christian and I won’t turn my neighbors away. I can’t store enough for everyone. So, the ONLY preparation I need is repentance and requesting forgiveness for my sins and to spread the Word. The Bible gives a great commission to the disciples and I don’t recall it including the storage of food, water and weapons. What’s the approach you’re sharing? Be like Christ or hoard provisions? It’s a mixed message.

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Just because you won't be able to help all of your neighbors for a long time, does that mean that you should not prepare for your own family...and to help as many others as you can? We should all encourage others to build their own supply of canned goods, pasta, rice, etc.; anything that will keep a while. Then use out of it, replacing as used up. I have been buying extra each week for a long time, now. If a neighbor needs help, I won't have to say no because I do not have anything to share. Faith and Prayer is utmost, but if we prepare for what we know is coming, God won't have to do it ALL by MIRACLE. Planting a garden in tubs, or in your flower beds, will be of utmost help also.

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Imagine you live in a retirement community. Imagine there are over 4,000 households in a 2 mile by 5 mile area. Imagine they don't want to hear the doom and gloom and the encouragement to build your food supplies. Now imagine the grid goes down and they are starving. Your neighbors. Helping "as many others as you can" is quite altruistic and noble but unrealistic. I won't lie to them, as a Christian, so I must help. My supplies will run out very fast. The woods will be hunted out in a week or two following and criminals will be coming out of the city to loot and kill. People will be murdered or else start starving to death. That's the reality. Prep as much as you want, but you'll have to escape deep into the woods and not even have smoke from a fire, because someone "in need" who is smarter and meaner than you will hunt you down for what you have. The government won't come to help because they will be struggling to contain the anarchy in the cities. My family and I will survive as long as we can and protect the weak around us as long as we can, but in the end, if the SHTF, the people that survive won't be the Christian types unless they build a city like Jerusalem and let no one inside the walls. But, then, that's not Christ-like. It's a catch-22.

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