The HodgeTwins are Giving Away a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and Cold Hard Cash
Enter now before the giveaway ends in less than a week!
I don’t usually send out these kinds of emails on Substack, but we are down to the final week of the Hodgetwins giveaway, and wanted to make sure you had every opportunity to enter to win a Jeep Wrangler, a Chevy 2500 HD Diesel and $10,000 cash.
You see, on a daily basis I’m diving into politics, covid and election fraud, plus working on a way to bypass Big Tech altogether. The Left owns all of the Bigs: Big Tech, Big Media, Big Business, Big Pharma, Big Food and Big Government. The way we begin to fight back is to shift our spending habits away from businesses operated by those that oppose American values and, instead, spend that with conservative and America First businesses.
That’s one of the reasons why I constantly promote MyPillow (use code FFN for up to 66% off), Freedom First Coffee (use code JEFF for a HUGE discount), Our Gold Guy and more. And now, I’m bringing you guys the Hodgetwins, who are fighting every day for pro-America beliefs.
Don't miss out on your chance to win a brand new Jeep from the Hodgetwins! The winner gets a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited High Altitude Edition and they also take home $10,000 in cash. Plus, meet the Hodgetwins and pick up your prize on an all-expenses-paid trip. Enter now before the giveaway ends in less than a week!
But that process is confusing.
Never gives you a total
Never tells you order went through
Takes you right back to the beginning like nothing worked.
😱. Sorry Jeff. Please ask them to clean that up. That’s a bad feeling when putting all your personal information out there. 😩