The Fight for Our Constitutional Rights Hinges on the Very Existence of God
Separation of Church and State is one of the must misunderstood arguments in American politics.
One of the arguments that the Left has been making for the longest time is that we have to separate the Church and State. Their rationale is based upon a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 in which he stated that there should be a “wall of separation between church and state.”
When you look at the context of what he was writing, however, the proper interpretation of his intended meaning was NOT that religion needs to be forced out of our government. Rather, he was saying that the government must have zero involvement within religion, specifically when it comes to restricting it or establishing a national religion.
This flies directly in the face of the Leftist talking points, which have largely been adopted by the Democrat Party. They’ve embraced this so much that the Democrat platform is literally as anti-God as you can possibly get. It’s almost as if they took what the Bible says and decided to take the exact opposite approach.
Before you think that this is an exclusively Democrat problem, the GOP is facing similar problems. Especially since Donald Trump became the presidential nominee in 2015, we’ve seen a much more Libertarian trend within the Republican Party. Many of our thought leaders, including Dave Rubin, Ben Shapiro, Charlie Kirk and Ric Grenell are not actually conservative, but libertarian. This is a dangerous path for the Republican Party to continue down.
The problem with libertarianism, of which I used to be more aligned with in the past, is that it is rooted in atheism. Essentially, they take the limited government and liberty approach to politics, but their philosophy for life denies God’s role in it. Instead, they believe that everyone should be free to do what is right in their own eyes.
Proverbs 14:12 tells us that, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”
This is dangerous, because that changes truth from being objective to subjective. We’ve seen this in regards to the Republican Party’s acceptance of the LGBTQ community, the sinful behavior of our elected officials, acceptance of abortion in certain circumstances, and many more examples. However, one of the most important things that this libertarian worldview does is make God smaller and man bigger. We cannot continue down this path. The end result is being no different than the atheistic Democrat Party which absolutely hates God.
Over the last several years since covid hit, we’ve seen a systematic destruction of our Constitutional Rights. Yes, this has been happening for decades, but it was ramped up since 2020. We saw our Constitutional Rights to free speech, freedom of religion and the right to peaceably assemble and get thrown out the window with the supposed “State of Emergency Clause” which is nowhere to be found in our Constitution.
Rather, our Founding Fathers wrote that the government cannot take away our Constitutional Rights for any reason, because they are not the one that gave us those rights. Rather, those rights are given to us by God, Himself, and only recognized as such by the government.
This is why the Left and our elected officials are doing everything within their power to eliminate God from the American belief system. If they can eradicate God, they take away our Constitutional Rights. Now, you might be thinking, that’s a leap. Let me explain.
If there is no God that gives us our rights, this means that there’s no Right’s Giver. If there’s no Right’s Giver, then we have no God-given Constitutional Rights. Thus, this means that the government gave us our rights, no God. What is the result of this belief? If the government gave you your rights, they can also take them away.
This is why our fight over preserving our Constitutional Rights and Liberty cannot be waged without a theological discussion. We have no leg to stand on if we fight for our God-given rights without predicating our Constitution on the reality that God exists and is the one who gives us our Rights.
The atheistic trend we are seeing within both parties will result in the stripping away of the Constitution. I’ve already explained why. This is why Christians need to be leading the charge to preserve the principles that founded this country. We cannot shy away from this fight.
First, we must preach the Gospel at every opportunity. If more people place their faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, we will see a massive shift in our culture as people begin repenting of their sinful behavior and belief systems.
Second, we must boldly defend the truth, both theologically and politically. This goes for Election Fraud, covid-19, the bioweapon injections, January 6th, and the rest of our political battles. As Christians, we must defend the truth wherever it leads.
Third, we must get involved in the political system, starting with our local governments and political parties. This allows us to shine our light into the darkness of the political system. We cannot continue shining light into the already lit rooms of our churches. We must take the light of the truth to the dark and fallen world… and what’s more dark than politics?
We are on borrowed time right now and facing the destruction of America. However, as we’ve seen throughout Scripture, if a nation repents and turns back to God, He will bless that nation. We must first repent, ourselves, and align our beliefs and actions with God and His Word. Then, it’s time to get into the spiritual battle over the soul of America. It’s simply our job to be obedient, and then trust God to work through us to turn things around.
Check out the latest episode of The Jeff Dornik Show with Lt Gen Thomas McInerney and Mary Fanning:
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