The Covid Shot is a Bioweapon... So why are Our Trusted Leaders Afraid to Take on Big Pharma?
We’ve been railing against the covid shots for years now. Yet, for whatever reason, we can’t seem to get our own side on the same page, let alone gain any ground in fighting the Poison Death Shots, as Dr Zelenko referred to them.
One of the problems that we have on our side of the debate against the covid jabs is that we can’t even agree on what these things actually are. Some are claiming it’s vaccines that were simply rushed through and have resulted in unforeseen ramifications with adverse reactions. Others claim it’s a bioweapon designed to kill, injure and control the masses. When you think about it, there’s no middle ground here.
If these are simply vaccines that have been proven ineffective and have more adverse reactions than normal vaccines, the argument could be made that these should be pulled off the market. However, it’s not that urgent, and the focus would be still primarily on education and medical freedom.
It would appear that the Republican Party and the Conservative Movement as a whole has largely taken this approach. If you notice, all of the debates going on among our conservative leaders are primarily about the origins of the virus, gain-of-function research, vaccines not be effective and attacking “Doc” Fauci.
When you think about it, none of these fights are going to result in anything substantive happening.
The other side of our movement, of which this is a much smaller segment, are those stating that the jabs are bioweapon injections. If you tune into my weekly show with
, In The Foxhole, we’ve laid out the evidence that these are bioweapons, as defined by our own government. Karen provides in depth documentation over at , as well.Given that these injections are bioweapons, we must take an entirely different approach than what our leaders seem to be taking. Instead of playing “gotcha” politics with Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsom or simply taking up the cause of medical freedom, we should be fighting to shut down these bioweapon injections altogether.
The pro-vaxxers will respond, “What happened to medical freedom?” My response: Big Pharma and our Government does not have the authority to unleash a bioweapon designed to injure, kill and control the masses any less than Nazi Germany had the authority to murder, injure and enslave the Jews during World War II.
If things play out as the evidence is pointing to, we are going to witnesses millions more people dying from these injections and massive health issues arising. Add on top of that the fact that artificial intelligence and quantum dots are being injected into people’s bodies and Yuval Noah Harari and many others claiming that our brains are hackable and we can be controlled without even realizing it, it’s vitally important that we IMMEDIATELY shut down the production of these injections and move to hold those behind them accountable for the mass genocide they’ve created.
We are talking about the future of humanity forever being changed. We are talking about your jabbed friends and family dying from this injection they took under fraudulent conditions. We' are talking about YOU getting the bioweapon in your body through shedding against your consent.
This is not about medical freedom. This is about a holocaust of massive proportions that has the potential to make World War II look tame, when looking at the sheer number of deaths we are facing.
So what are we going to do about this? Continue with business-as-usual politics, or actually put pressure on our leaders to call it what it is: a bioweapon. If we can get them to admit that, then the only recourse is to immediately take it off the market and hold those accountable for unleashing this monster onto the world.
Given that we don’t know what bioweapons the Globalist Elite are going to throw at us next, one of the most important things you can do is keep your immune system strong. That means eat healthy, exercise and take immune boosting supplements like Dr Zelenko’s Z-Stack, Z-DTOX and Z-Flu. Order yours today using code FREEDOM for 5% off when you order.