Senatorial Candidate Challenging Kari Lake Explains How Break Apart the Power of the Uniparty
Too often, politicians are more interested in toeing the party line than in actually solving problems.
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As I sat down with Alan White, a Senatorial Candidate from Arizona who happens to be running for the same seat as Kari Lake, on The Jeff Dornik Show, I was struck by his refreshing perspective on the issues facing our nation. Alan is running for Senate to represent the people of Arizona, and he has some interesting outside-the-box perspectives that could help break apart the power of the Uniparty that controls both political parties in the Swamp of Washington DC.
One of the primary problems that so many conservatives are concerned about is the power of the Uniparty. This is the idea that both political parties are controlled by the same group of elites, and that they are more interested in maintaining their own power than in representing the interests of the American people. Alan has some interesting ideas about how to break apart this power structure and return power to the people.
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One of the key points that Alan made during our conversation was the importance of finding solutions that come out of our principles instead of from our party leadership. He believes that too often, politicians are more interested in toeing the party line than in actually solving problems. He also believes that we need to be willing to compromise forward instead of giving everything up without getting anything in return, like the GOP normally does.
Another key point that Alan made was the importance of focusing on the solutions that we can get consensus on, instead of focusing on the wedge issues that are split right down the middle. He believes that too often, politicians focus on the issues that divide us, instead of the issues that unite us. He believes that by focusing on the issues that we can get consensus on, we can actually make progress on the issues that matter most to the American people.
Overall, I was impressed by Alan’s thoughtful and principled approach to politics. He is a candidate who is willing to challenge the status quo and fight for the interests of the American people. I believe that he would make an excellent Senator, and I look forward to seeing what he can accomplish in Washington DC.
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