Jeffree Star Exposes the Dark Reality of The Illuminati
The Makeup and YouTube Star claims to have escaped the Illuminati and is beginning to tell the story.
The Globalist Cabal. The Illuminati. The Secret Societies. The World Economic Forum. There’s lots of different ways to describe the globalist elite that secretly rule the world through Satanic and Occult ways. Since the beginning of time, Satan has used a small group of individuals for his own purposes of attempting to conquer the world.
In fact, you can even see their footprint throughout the Bible. Go back and look at the magicians that were around Pharaoh in Exodus, the King of Babylon in the Book of Daniel and even the Magi that came to the birth of Christ. These were all Zoroastrian priests who were a secret society of occultic magicians also known as the “Kingmakers.”
You can then trace this secret cabal throughout history, as they were behind virtually every world superpower from Babylon to Rome to Nazi Germany. Their mission remains the same: Establish a one world government, currency and religion. This will then pave the way for the coming antichrist reign, as predicted in the Book of Revelation.
Part of their strategy is to initiate celebrities and influences into their cult, using them for their Satanic rituals, as well as to influence the masses with propaganda and occultic imagery. We see it in movies all the time. In music, as well, especially from artists who reach a certain status. Think Taylor Swift when she transitioned to Pop Music. Linkin Park and Justin Timberlake after collaborating with Jay-Z. Coldplay after their collaboration with Beyonce. Their imagery and narratives change to align with that of the Devil.
The second you mention the Illuminati, however, you are deemed a wild tin-foil had conspiracy theorist. However, every now and then someone who has seen them up close and personal pops up and reveals what’s truly going on.
Case-in-point: Just before New Years, YouTube Star and Cosmetic Guru Jefree Star revealed that he escaped the Illuminati in 2021, and he’s grateful that they haven’t killed him yet.

What Star is tweeting about here lines up with how the Illuminati works. Many of those that have come out against this secret society of Satanists find themselves either killed or completely ostracized from society.
Shortly after Michael Jackson began exposing the Illuminati’s control of artists in the music industry, he was killed by his doctor. When Kanye West began outing the powers-that-be within the music industry, his doctor began drugging him and they attempted to lock him up. Same thing with Prince. You could go down the list of virtually everyone who either wanted out or wanted to expose the Illuminati’s grasp on these celebrities, and they all either up die or have sever repercussions.
Then we come to Donald Trump, who, during his initial presidential run and early days of being president took on the Globalist Cabal (or the Illuminati, which can be used interchangeably). When he refused to capitulate to them, they did everything within their power to take him out. They destroyed his reputation, harmed his businesses, threatened to have him arrested and there have even been claims from reputable sources that he’s been blackmailed after January 6th.
We can all take a look at the world and see that there’s a cabal of a few elites pulling the strings. The propaganda is everywhere. It’s like they are all coordinating and working together as a single unit to destroy America and all sense of liberty. And what’s their goal? To establish a one-world government, currency and religion. This gives them ultimate control.
How are they able to move as one unit to usher in their agenda, which is The Great Reset? It’s because they are all tied together through their occultic practices and allegiance to the Devil himself, who is calling the shots.
Think about it. We are still going through the demonic implementation of the covid bioweapon injections, which are designed to depopulate the earth, prepare the masses to take the Mark of the Beast and inject every man, woman and child with artificial intelligence which allows mind control unlike anything we’ve seen to-date. All of the elites have coordinated at a level that we’ve never seen before, gaslighting the world’s population into disbelieving what they see happening right in front of them.
As I always say, we are in the midst of a war of good and evil. You may think that I sound like a crazy conspiracy theorists, but the more you look at this, the more it makes perfect sense. And you can call Jefree Star a loon, but he very well could be someone that can expose the Illuminati once and for all.
Only time will tell.
If you want to understand more of the demonic agenda I’m discussing here in this post, order my two books Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement and Church & State: How the Left Used the Church to Conquer America. Click here to order.
Thank you for sharing that information about Michael Jackson & Prince. That is so sad! I had no idea, that’s the first I’ve heard of that...& I totally believe it! Btw, I think I saw somewhere you are in California...I’m in So Cal, so when the SHTF, I’ll be glad to know that you are another like-minded person in CA! Thanks for all the good work you do to expose the evil!
I am HERE for it if 2023 is the year the veil gets lifted even further and the Great Reset becomes the Great Reveal. Its like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where Toto grabs hold of the curtain..."Move that Bus!" Lol.